Transaction: fcdbd1d6f221b1049c2ffcdb9b3c5499701c9de8

Included in block 36,464,521 at 2019/09/16 06:31:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id fcdbd1d6f221b1049c2ffcdb9b3c5499701c9de8
ref_block_num 26,479
ref_block_prefix 123,658,193
transaction_num 18
signatures 1f1941c3004b12e4d777aebeeb91943edc0a6f451b488bee6f2e25958b31b3353a5454c070035b0d97cc11f96cc039db4b1935a824401a36e24b85c226c64e3527
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"commercial",<br>"author":"snehalt",<br>"permlink":"how-to-find-the-right-commercial-property-agent-for-you",<br>"title":"How to Find the Right Commercial Property Agent for You?",<br>"body":"Finding commercial property is not an easy walk to perform. If you want to search for the commercial property for you,<br> you need to do a lot of efforts. Though,<br> it might be easy to find the residential property. But when it comes to buying the commercial property,<br> you must be looking for the right commercial property agent. You can easily find the agents,<br> which deal in commercial as well as a residential property,<br> and there is certain kind of agents who specialize in a specific field. So,<br> it is important to search for is the right commercial property agent.\nSome of the people search for the right commercial property but they end with nothing in their hands. Nut if you will make your search for the right commercial property agent then you will get the best from the market. So,<br> it is advised to make your search for the right agent rather than right property.\n\u2022\tToday,<br> it is important to search for the agent on the online platform. Though,<br> they are good commercial property agents in the real market but it will be difficult for you to find the one for you. Rather than the local market,<br> you must be looking for the agent online. Trust me,<br> you will find brilliant commercial property agents online. \n\u2022\tYou will need to make a thorough research on the internet for finding the right commercial property agent. If you think that you will find the agent without any efforts then you are highly mistaken. In fact,<br> you need to do a lot of research for finding the right agent for you.\n\u2022\tOnce you have details of some commercial property agents with you,<br> you should be making your search more precise and concise. Though you can make your search with commercial property agents but you should narrow down your search by <a href=\"https:\/\/\/p\/commercial-property-in-johannesburg\/\"><b> Commercial Property Agents Johannesburg<\/b><\/a> and you will find the top agents in the same location. \n\u2022\tApart from it,<br> you can also find the commercial property agents in the auctions as well. You can find the best commercial property agents in the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/commercial-property-for-sale-cape-town\"><b> Auction Commercial Property For Sale In Cape Town<\/b><\/a>.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"commercial\",<br>\"property\",<br>\"agents\",<br>\"johannesburg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/p\/commercial-property-in-johannesburg\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/commercial-property-for-sale-cape-town\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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