Transaction: fca7d0d1f8e54566f2d79693b1699280ca34d2f8

Included in block 15,729,354 at 2017/09/23 21:41:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id fca7d0d1f8e54566f2d79693b1699280ca34d2f8
ref_block_num 710
ref_block_prefix 3,905,302,451
transaction_num 17
signatures 20397d0e512f6d66d7dd0f1d0d2ced46795fa0c2b50aceabc17c9f422382afef842d72a730ab4adc8ea060cf4dffcd6a04053cafb0d4b6423f9ebfda98a5fb24c6
"parent_author":"osm0sis",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-clio-re-osm0sis-re-clio-impressions-of-the-french-cuisine-in-burgundy-20170922t065352475z",<br>"author":"clio",<br>"permlink":"re-osm0sis-re-clio-re-osm0sis-re-clio-impressions-of-the-french-cuisine-in-burgundy-20170923t214105247z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Yes,<br> the Morvan is certainly beautiful. We are very happy to live here for 6 months a year. The other half we live in the Netherlands. I have picked a lot of blackberries and elderberries for juice and made compote of apricots but I didn't pick mushrooms yet. There are a lot of mushrooms right now,<br> even in our backyard,<br> but I don't know which ones are good and which ones aren't. I talked about it with my neighbor and she says take the ones which are orange inside,<br> but I think I'm a little afraid to do so. But after your reply,<br> I will certainly find out which ones I can safely pick. Thank you and lovely to meet you too",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"food\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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