Transaction: fb07f2430b365738ff77c9e4a34606d67b18ad9e

Included in block 14,672,355 at 2017/08/18 04:27:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id fb07f2430b365738ff77c9e4a34606d67b18ad9e
ref_block_num 57,822
ref_block_prefix 3,967,769,246
transaction_num 4
signatures 1f21319e48a6af3122d922dddb8e47a5537eec4e32a6a3b131116f695316e5e10860f0f213329dcb04b0ddee9c0bdee7062837520c905b1a947f9ff570aee793c0
"parent_author":"fersher",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-pibara-re-blocktrades-how-to-convert-steem-sbd-to-fiat-more-efficiently-20170818t094255590z",<br>"author":"pibara",<br>"permlink":"re-fersher-re-pibara-re-blocktrades-how-to-convert-steem-sbd-to-fiat-more-efficiently-20170818t042708015z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"I think that compared to many other crypto currencies that are basically just monetized global warming,<br> and fiat currency that are basically monetized debt,<br> steem value,<br> at least for a large part is \"great content\",<br> and if people who treat it differently \"pull out\" while reducing the direct monetary value will in the long run also reduce the amount of voting-circle crap content and further increase the \"great content\" to steem market capetalisation ratio. \n\nFor me,<br> writing fiction and self-publishing that fiction as free e-books is a hobby and at the moment steemit is helping me both fund that hobby and improve the quality of my work by allowing me to take part in the steem ecconomy. I'm giving the steemit early access to my work in progress and I am making some steem and SBD that I can than later use to solicit valuable input by running review and beta reading contests and loteries that help improve my quality of work further. And given that I believe in a great content based ecconomy,<br> I aim for a 75% 25% split for my steem power. That is,<br> I'm investing 25 steem power for every 75 steem power my fiction writing brings in. That really isn't a huge buy in in fiat currency terms as 75% of my investment is providing what I hope is good content to the platform.\n\nI am hoping this makes some sense and it makes sense that people pulling out should be good for the quality of the platform in the long run. A great-content based ecconomy should be way better than a monetized global warming based ecconomy afaics and certainly better than a debt based ecconomy.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blocktrades\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.