Transaction: fab394bacf037bcd6fbf765aeaaa635de5dabd69

Included in block 26,890,374 at 2018/10/17 15:32:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id fab394bacf037bcd6fbf765aeaaa635de5dabd69
ref_block_num 20,597
ref_block_prefix 2,118,672,882
transaction_num 32
signatures 1f41abc1badd217e35701e0b2a8f8a0157d6510a41af261e25f6986b98a92241a83d026abc1832b0c0291242c0fa8b79c4a3dc2722ccfb5f146555182f444b421e
"parent_author":"insaneworks",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-glenalbrethsen-re-insaneworks-pay-it-forward-small-sp-delegation-here-20181017t120930758z",<br>"author":"glenalbrethsen",<br>"permlink":"re-insaneworks-re-glenalbrethsen-re-insaneworks-pay-it-forward-small-sp-delegation-here-20181017t153239872z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Sounds good. I would just throw it out there that what you've been doing is good too. I mean,<br> reading and commenting and showing support for all good content is the idea,<br> right? There's plenty of need to go around. Everyone within the lower creatures,<br> to which I would add smaller dolphins,<br> as well,<br> all need some form of support. Larger dolphins and orcas tend to have their support systems in place,<br> but then,<br> they might actually have some SP to upvote comments you make. So,<br> I'd like to strike a balance of that,<br> myself. Still working on it. As you've experienced,<br> it's tricky!",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"payitforward\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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