Transaction: f8ed5d36435f5b51982af13202b08d483fb0e979

Included in block 38,944,374 at 2019/12/11 13:08:48 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f8ed5d36435f5b51982af13202b08d483fb0e979
ref_block_num 15,971
ref_block_prefix 3,441,390,028
transaction_num 10
signatures 1f3325136e60aae9780d20688bfa1307750b61b4efcc2ec4e32c2e418e4c5d926c41e54886b75cce41a9b8e2f3b85b3e90ea4882ec05cb4f71332d574df2f594d1
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"dlike",<br>"author":"attractions",<br>"permlink":"people-are-paying-hundreds-of-dollars-a-night-to-go-on-meditation-retreats-where-speaking-is-banned-and-it-shows-just-how-far-the-wellness-generation-is-taking-things-business-insider--business-insider-malaysia",<br>"title":"People are paying hundreds of dollars a night to go on meditation retreats where speaking is banned,<br> and it shows just how far the 'wellness generation' is taking things,<br> Business Insider - Business Insider Malaysia",<br>"body":"<center><img src='https:\/\/\/sites\/3\/2019\/12\/5dead933fd9db24e782d8084.png' alt='Shared From Dlike' \/><\/center> \n\n#####\n\n <p>Silent meditation retreats have been around for many years. Thailand has many such retreats in secluded jungle environments.&nbsp;<\/p><p>You get hours and hours of guided meditation,<br> nutritious tasty vegan Thai food,<br> no distractions and a peaceful milieu to reflect upon life.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Here,<br> you live a spartan life during the stay: you will be stripped of all your belonging like laptop,<br> books,<br> writing tools and phone and given a blanket,<br> a straw mat,<br> mosquito net and a wooden pillow. No communication with the outside world and no conversation with anyone else within the premises either.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Millennials and corporate executives wanting to go on a silent meditation aren't likely to opt for such spartan life,<br> even for a short period of seven days.&nbsp;<\/p><p>Instead,<br> they would prefer luxury wellness experience. Since many of them are willing to pay for such experiences,<br> the hospitality industry is ever ready to capitalize on it.<\/p> \n\n#####\n\n <center><br><a href='https:\/\/\/post\/@attractions\/people-are-paying-hundreds-of-dollars-a-night-to-go-on-meditation-retreats-where-speaking-is-banned-and-it-shows-just-how-far-the-wellness-generation-is-taking-things-business-insider--business-insider-malaysia'>Shared On DLIKE<\/a><hr><br><a href='https:\/\/\/'><img src='https:\/\/\/images\/dlike-logo.jpg'><\/a><\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"dlike\",<br>\"app\":\"dlike\/3\",<br>\"format\":\"html\",<br>\"image\":\"https:\\\/\\\/\\\/sites\\\/3\\\/2019\\\/12\\\/5dead933fd9db24e782d8084.png\",<br>\"url\":\"https:\\\/\\\/\\\/silent-meditation-retreats-wellness-travel-trend-no-speaking-mindfulness-2019-12\\\/\",<br>\"body\":\"Silent meditation retreats have been around for many years. Thailand has many such retreats in secluded jungle environments.&amp;nbsp;You get hours and hours of guided meditation,<br> nutritious tasty vegan Thai food,<br> no distractions and a peaceful milieu to reflect upon life.&amp;nbsp;Here,<br> you live a spartan life during the stay: you will be stripped of all your belonging like laptop,<br> books,<br> writing tools and phone and given a blanket,<br> a straw mat,<br> mosquito net and a wooden pillow. No communication with the outside world and no conversation with anyone else within the premises either.&amp;nbsp;Millennials and corporate executives wanting to go on a silent meditation aren't likely to opt for such spartan life,<br> even for a short period of seven days.&amp;nbsp;Instead,<br> they would prefer luxury wellness experience. Since many of them are willing to pay for such experiences,<br> the hospitality industry is ever ready to capitalize on it.\",<br>\"category\":\"LifeStyle\",<br>\"tags\":[\"dlike\",<br>\"retreats\",<br>\"vacation\",<br>\"travel\",<br>\"holiday\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"900.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"dlike",
"weight":1100 ,
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.