Transaction: f84b6b505caa5ae1944458b06f6cc1004f99ed4d

Included in block 42,021,163 at 2020/03/27 17:13:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f84b6b505caa5ae1944458b06f6cc1004f99ed4d
ref_block_num 12,568
ref_block_prefix 3,299,429,630
transaction_num 8
signatures 20270f5c707a831ed3b6f96d2f28ad64b23ec9c4ca64716020e0efb9e7bc9f2ee56541eb65424df26d4e7b128eabd3422dd1e0d77c75815800919dce8d0e1469a6
"parent_author":"creativeblue",<br>"parent_permlink":"q7ums4",<br>"author":"jacobtothe",<br>"permlink":"q7v3tt",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"I don't trust Justin Sun one bit anymore. His coup against the witnesses revealed a major flaw in STEEM infrastructure with the ninja-mined stake and the dishonest exchanges. Hive hopefully addressed those problems,<br> but some of the other the initial exclusions bother me,<br> and I hate to see STEEM go down. The people fighting spam and bid bot abuse left,<br> though,<br> and Sun's censorship on the flagship frontend site is deeply disturbing. For now,<br> I think Hive is the best option while we wait and see what Sun plans. I don't want to burn bridges,<br> but I will continue to express my disappointment and disgust with the way he handled things.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.