Transaction: f6bc1a1cfa8da13f381cb0f93733e152879c219f

Included in block 12,898,116 at 2017/06/17 11:12:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f6bc1a1cfa8da13f381cb0f93733e152879c219f
ref_block_num 53,055
ref_block_prefix 2,169,120,692
transaction_num 13
signatures 1f0fa3dd5ae146e22ce223af9acbdcc494764a99d0cf123ae7217d796a5045b8d1257793990232d032790f466ec747acb45f2398fca63703be4ddc4a4999bb1792
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"blog",<br>"author":"jaynie",<br>"permlink":"how-to-b-tch-slap-your-stress-and-anxiety",<br>"title":"HOW TO B*TCH SLAP YOUR STRESS AND ANXIETY",<br>"body":"![ (https:\/\/\/DQmNbnNJbFSNoroJ9kBDhawKHzA8spxxUoakAwLLk5Eu4AU\/image.png)\n\nBloody hell,<br> stress is STRESSFUL! Those two little words \"stress & anxiety\" \u2013 or emotions rather,<br> can activate an entire personality within you,<br> taking one particular situation or state of mind and literally turning it on its head \u2013 so much so,<br> that you can honestly reach a point of wishing that a hole in the ground would swallow you up \u2013 or even better,<br> you could cover your eyes like a 5 year old and practice the \u201cif I can\u2019t see you,<br> you can\u2019t see me\u201d routine\u2026\n\u200b\nWell \u2013 the hole in the ground probably isn\u2019t a very good idea,<br> but the latter is not impossible and is a great idea!\n\nNo,<br> really!\n\nPeople,<br> in general,<br> focus too much on what is stressing them out. Whatever the circumstance,<br> they sit,<br> and think about it,<br> re-living it,<br> thinking about how they could have done it differently,<br> how they see no way out of it,<br> how it\u2019s going to potentially wreck a particular relationship,<br> work position,<br> or their lives in general and at the end of the day,<br> they achieve nothing \u2013 other than feeding the problem itself.\n\nYes. That is precisely what we are socially conditioned to do. So many things direct us towards negative thinking and \u201cneeding,<br> wanting or lacking\u201d. True story! \u2013 And it is very,<br> very easy to get swept up into that whirlwind of despair,<br> desperation and ultimately destruction.\n\nWell,<br> for me,<br> my life and my dealings,<br> all I will say is this \u2013 thank goodness for hard-core,<br> old-school parents that taught us how to embrace our \u201cfighting spirit\u201d.\n\nYou know what I am talking about \u2013 \u201cwell,<br> you didn\u2019t die,<br> did you?\u201d\n\nNo,<br> you didn\u2019t \u2013 and you won\u2019t. Not if you learn how to channel your stress and anxiety constructively.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmfZiAXHxWST5RRYnM4Piq5sk7rKq6JhyX7NkMw1d4Mpxa\/image.png)\n\nThe solution is simple,<br> yet as many times as you might have heard it \u2013 until you actually implement it \u2013 the words and the principle itself are completely useless. \u201cDon\u2019t focus on the problem \u2013 focus on the solution\u201d.\n\nWhen I am faced with a stressful situation (of any kind),<br> yes,<br> I go through that wave of panic \u2013 where your heart sinks to your feet and your body literally goes hot or cold - and yes,<br> I do panic \u2013 momentarily \u2013 but then I give myself a big fat mental \u201cB*tch Slap\u201d and start facing the realisation that unless I change the situation,<br> all the \u201cfearful stresses and anxieties\u201d which I have allowed to momentarily consume me\u2026 will most definitely become a reality.\n\nDo I want this? No,<br> absolutely not.\n\nSo,<br> much like an animal in the wild with the mentality of \u201csurvival of the fittest\u201d \u2013 I start looking at solutions. Any solutions! This action in itself disarms the anxiety and stress and shifts your focus into a place of positivity - and mark my words \u2013 when you shift your energy into a more constructive arena,<br> you are in a far better place.\n\n![ (https:\/\/\/DQmUfTpWa2ZHQuv2UH3K6sRM8UhZfjHMm9FEBRgMkgfD7N3\/image.png)\n\nYou might not always come up with a solution that guarantees complete freedom from your current situation \u2013 severity dependant \u2013 but it will give you the strength to carry on fighting. It might buy you time by way of a short term solution until you work things through and find a better one,<br> it might also open doors to other opportunities or circumstance \u2013 but most importantly of all \u2013 if exercised regularly enough,<br> it will empower you with one exceptionally dangerous weapon\u2026\n\nThe belief that no matter what situation you are faced with \u2013 no matter how stressful \u2013 you can and WILL find a way through - and ultimately conquer it.\n\nAnd that \u2013 is a very useful tool.\n\nUse it!\n\nand in the spirit of positivity,<br> determination and my sons love for the Ninja Turtles...\n\nBooyakasha! \n\nIn parting - and because I have a soundtrack for everything in my life - I though I would share this music video too... Enjoy xxx\n\nuntil next time...\n\u200b\nhttps:\/\/\/hdw1uKiTI5c",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\",<br>\"writing\",<br>\"creativity\",<br>\"inspiration\",<br>\"motivation\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmNbnNJbFSNoroJ9kBDhawKHzA8spxxUoakAwLLk5Eu4AU\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmfZiAXHxWST5RRYnM4Piq5sk7rKq6JhyX7NkMw1d4Mpxa\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmUfTpWa2ZHQuv2UH3K6sRM8UhZfjHMm9FEBRgMkgfD7N3\/image.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/vi\/hdw1uKiTI5c\/0.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/hdw1uKiTI5c\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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