Transaction: f5569e3191ebca9361398dd2568f5b1a5d2d7304

Included in block 20,699,240 at 2018/03/15 14:35:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f5569e3191ebca9361398dd2568f5b1a5d2d7304
ref_block_num 55,381
ref_block_prefix 368,359,945
transaction_num 21
signatures 20599a6b3838829102c50ca8672036cc1d6ec66e3af509120b1cf7d83be6888b2e63d9fd5797b9c5c5d91d1be9c400825616f70f048df5b961a64ffe693b995c86
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"travel",<br>"author":"pojan",<br>"permlink":"travel-with-me-at-lut-tawar-lake-dermaga-lukup-penalam-bernuansa-islami-pokdarwis-dedalu-bersatu-indonesian-steemit-community-fbe6f167c112",<br>"title":"Travel With Me at Lut Tawar Lake- (Dermaga Lukup Penalam Bernuansa Islami Pokdarwis Dedalu Bersatu) Indonesian Steemit Community #bilingual",<br>"body":"<div class=pull-left>https:\/\/\/DQmdaBxuN4btQC4nb42JwVz3bMWsxUWA9rhBRXbg7aaZBBa\/IMG_5364.JPG<\/div>\n<div class=pull-right>https:\/\/\/DQmRQvMiRGtSHiTmw2iuwejEESz2zwMhcSyg6KhCU2NCueT\/IMG_5331.JPG<\/div>\n\n_______\n<center><sub>Dermaga Lukup Penalam Bernuansa Islami Pokdarwis Dedalu Bersatu | jembatan hitam<\/sub><\/center>\n\n\n<h6>`English`<\/h6>\n--------\n<div class=text-justify>Goodnight steemian friend,<br> \"one paddle two islands exceeded\" that's the saying that we need to apply in our lives. Why is that,<br> because every trip that we pass all have their own uniqueness and difference. So clever-pandainya we are those who can capture the unique photos for it.\n\n<br>in the journey following the meetup yesterday,<br> we found many extraordinary moments in the cool city of Takengon,<br> besides going through shady trees full of birds chirping,<br> dark clouds occasionally crossing our heads and even light rain that wets our clothes too take the time to capture some moments that really lose if we ignore.\n\n<h6>`Indonesia`<\/h6>\n-------\n>Selamat malam sahabat steemian,<br> \"satu kali dayung dua pulau terlampaui\" begitulah kata pepatah yang perlu kita terapkan dalam kehidupan kita. Kenapa demikian,<br> karena setiap perjalanan yang kita lewati semua memiliki keunikan dan perbedaan masing-masing. Maka sepandai-pandainya kita adalah mereka yang bisa mengabadikan foto-foto unik untuk itu. \n<br>dalam perjalanan mengikuti meetup kemarin,<br> kami menemukan banyak moment yang sangat luar biasa di kota dingin Takengon,<br> selain melewati pohon rindang yang penuh dengan suara burung berkicau,<br> awan gelap yang sesekali melintasi kepala kami bahkan turut hadir juga hujan ringan yang membasahi baju,<br> tapi kami juga menyempatkan diri untuk mengabadikan beberapa moment yang memang benar-benar rugi kalau kita abaikan.\n\n<div class=pull-left>https:\/\/\/DQmabwwiGSZPuDGwQqMyuJLhCGRPUESnkBfx8iAWpPtcfF4\/IMG_5404.JPG<\/div>\n<div class=pull-right>https:\/\/\/DQmRFmfFn7BntMNcsG2S8Zp98YjC91LN3bEqpocn4whp81o\/IMG_5416.JPG<\/div>\n\n_____\n<center><sub>Dermaga lukup penalam bernuansa islami pokdarwis dedalu bersatu | @pojan and @adilvakhri<\/sub><\/center>\n\n<h6>`English`<\/h6>\n-------\nThe harbor is quite deeply shades of Islamic pokdarwis dedalu united,<br> this recently developed tourist tempo has visitors who are classified as very much,<br> this place is not only filled with local tourists from takengon but also various tourists from outside takengon also keep coming to catch the fresh air and while immortalize some photographs as proof that this place they are visiting.\n\nMany visitors come from North Aceh,<br> Lhokseumawe City,<br> Sigli,<br> Bireun,<br> Banda Aceh and surrounding areas that crowded the area during the day,<br> because in addition to enjoying the fresh air and berselfie ria,<br> they also can enjoy the beautiful black bridge and small cottages that neatly arranged on the edge of the lake.\n\n<h6>`Indonesia`<\/h6>\n-------\n>Dermaga lukup penalam bernuansa islami pokdarwis dedalu bersatu,<br> tempa wisata yang baru-baru berkembang ini memiliki pengunjung yang tergolong sangat banyak,<br> tempat ini tidak hanya dipenuhi oleh wisatawan lokal asal takengon tapi juga berbagai wisatawan dari luar takengon juga terus berdatangan untuk menimati udara segar dan sambil mengabadikan beberapa foto sebagai bukti bahwa tempat ini peranah mereka kunjungi.\n<br>Banyak pengunjung yang berasal dari Aceh Utara,<br> Kota Lhokseumawe,<br> Sigli,<br> Bireun,<br> Banda Aceh dan sekitarnya yang memadati area tersebut pada siang hari,<br> karena selain untuk menikmati udara segar dan berselfie ria,<br> mereka juga bisa menikmati indahnya jembatan hitam dan pondok-pondok kecil yang tersusun rapi dipinggir danau tersebut. \n\n<div class=pull-left>https:\/\/\/DQmdYmHowruSfwDBPGNAV1dS9rDWBF7ds8yawHLzEXU7cDW\/IMG_5368.JPG<\/div>\n<div class=pull-right>https:\/\/\/DQmZnZY54zewo64uQ2oajy277jEJTAYN4fsE1tN5moYnN65\/asa.jpg<\/div>\n\n_____\n<center><sub>Dermaga lukup penalam bernuansa islami pokdarwis dedalu bersatu | @bangmimi<\/sub><\/center>\n\n<h6>`English`<\/h6>\n-------\nI'm with @ponpase,<br> @adilvakhri and @bangmimi really enjoy the beauty of nature here,<br> while enjoying a cup of coffee provided in the area makes this place as a typical place with the famous coffee owner in the world today. I once read an article about gayo coffee,<br> that there is a saying gayo say \"uet nome turah kona kupi gayo,<br> kegere ngupi gere muke emikiren te\". hmm,<br> actually i am also confused with this language hahaha. What is the point,<br> \"uet nome turah kona kupi gayo\" means \"after waking up we have to drink gayo coffee\",<br> \"kegere ngupi gere muke emikiren te\" meaning \"with coffee the mind will be open\".\n\nType of land that has a high price,<br> it is evident that the name Gayo coffee has soared to the international arena. The quality of Gayo coffee is strongly supported by the soil that has extraordinary fertility,<br> the smell and taste of Gayo coffee is greatly affected for coffee lovers. So do not be surprised if Gayo coffee has been awarded several times in the international level.\n\n<h6>`Indonesia`<\/h6>\n-------\n>Saya bersama @ponpase,<br> @adilvakhri dan @bangmimi sangat menikmati keindahan alam disini,<br> sambil menikmati secangkir kopi yang disediakan di area tersebut menjadikan tempat ini sebagai tempat yang khas dengan pemilik kopi yang terkenal didunia saat ini. Saya pernah membaca sebuah artikel tentang kopi gayo,<br> bahwa ada pepatah gayo mengatakan ***\"uet nome turah kona kupi gayo,<br> kegere ngupi gere muke emikiren te\"***. hmm,<br> sebenarnya saya juga bingung dengan bahasa ini hahaha. Apa sih maksunya,<br> \"uet nome turah kona kupi gayo\" artinya \"setelah bangun tidur kita harus minum kopi gayo\",<br> \"kegere ngupi gere muke emikiren te\" artinya \"dengan minum kopi pikiran akan menjadi terbuka\".\n<br>Jenis tanah yang memiliki harga tinggi,<br> ini terbukti bahwa nama kopi gayo sudah melambung ke kancah internasional. Kualitas kopi gayo sangat didukung dengan tanah yang memiliki kesuburan yang luar biasa,<br> aroma dan rasa kopi gayo sangat terpengaruh bagi penikmat kopi. Maka tidak heran kalau kopi gayo sudah beberapa kali mendapatkan penghargaan ditingkat internasional.\n\n<div class=pull-left>https:\/\/\/DQmYdtYZ55tzLazcHqV35Jd1Gy2FadmcmnZ5sNnZkExTiLq\/IMG_4778.JPG<\/div>\n<div class=pull-right>https:\/\/\/DQmP8hRRAYoyHbxEsAveXcWawYqbf8ePkc1S66B9vsE4ThH\/IMG_4783.JPG<\/div>\n\n_____\n<center><sub>Dermaga lukup penalam bernuansa islami pokdarwis dedalu bersatu | kopi gayo<\/sub><\/center>\n\n<h6>`English`<\/h6>\n-------\nNot only enjoy coffee and photographs together,<br> here also has provided a boat to circle the lake of fresh sea,<br> the boat is not too large size with the color of the roof that resembles the color of the cloud is able to deliver us around the lake freshwater. It will look fun when we can laugh freely with our closest friends. Many young people who are present for recreation here while tasting the cool atmosphere and waiting for the clouds of dusk.\n\n<h6>`Indonesia`<\/h6>\n-------\n>Tidak hanya menikmati kopi dan foto-foto bersama,<br> disini juga sudah disediakan boat untuk mengelilingi danau laut tawar,<br> boat yang berukuran tidak terlalu besar dengan warna atap yang menyerupai warna awan ini mampu mengantarkan kita mengelilingi sekitar danau laut tawar. Ini akan terlihat seru ketika kita bisa tertawa lepas dengan sahabat terdekat kita. Banyak muda mudi yang hadir untuk rekreasi disini sambil mencicipi nikmatnya suasana dingin dan menunggu awan senja. <\/div>\n\n<div class=pull-left>https:\/\/\/DQmcHgD4MGT5muK5bEU6NFGkdJxVLv1UQoCpKAZ8R28AKG4\/IMG_5350.JPG<\/div>\n<div class=pull-right>https:\/\/\/DQmcwnA5g1nTxnGJTVDK8Bk4ALM1EogPxKTTLZnKVfwVKGX\/IMG_5372.JPG<\/div>\n\n______\n\n<div class=pull-left>https:\/\/\/DQmX6CXF8m568gUAPFgbGPhGohmrt1iMk5N4ZKuYiRbn8Yd\/IMG_5400.JPG<\/div>\n<div class=pull-right>https:\/\/\/DQmWfAnBFfkoxsHSyh6KVm2Wv95GgX67JJZXc1VVgvnt8UL\/IMG_5348.JPG<\/div>\n\n\n__________\nMoment :\n\n<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/tKmuWDkmc8o\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>\n\n<sub>video using : canon 650d\nmusic video : happy upbeat<\/sub>\n\n_____\n\n_____\n\n\n<center><h6>Thanks to :\n@ponpase\n@bangmimi\n@adilvakhri<\/h6><\/center>\n\n<center><h3>[DISCORD KOMUNITAS STEEMIT INDONESIA (https:\/\/\/invite\/MNhcDBW)<\/h3><\/center>\n\n![benar.gif (https:\/\/\/DQmNYVk6VCjZXBdGVTHyJsrNf2KG9yJvB88P5ogTQcJhm9x\/benar.gif)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/embed\/tKmuWDkmc8o\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/invite\/MNhcDBW\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmdaBxuN4btQC4nb42JwVz3bMWsxUWA9rhBRXbg7aaZBBa\/IMG_5364.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmRQvMiRGtSHiTmw2iuwejEESz2zwMhcSyg6KhCU2NCueT\/IMG_5331.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmabwwiGSZPuDGwQqMyuJLhCGRPUESnkBfx8iAWpPtcfF4\/IMG_5404.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmRFmfFn7BntMNcsG2S8Zp98YjC91LN3bEqpocn4whp81o\/IMG_5416.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdYmHowruSfwDBPGNAV1dS9rDWBF7ds8yawHLzEXU7cDW\/IMG_5368.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmZnZY54zewo64uQ2oajy277jEJTAYN4fsE1tN5moYnN65\/asa.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmYdtYZ55tzLazcHqV35Jd1Gy2FadmcmnZ5sNnZkExTiLq\/IMG_4778.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmP8hRRAYoyHbxEsAveXcWawYqbf8ePkc1S66B9vsE4ThH\/IMG_4783.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmcHgD4MGT5muK5bEU6NFGkdJxVLv1UQoCpKAZ8R28AKG4\/IMG_5350.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmcwnA5g1nTxnGJTVDK8Bk4ALM1EogPxKTTLZnKVfwVKGX\/IMG_5372.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmX6CXF8m568gUAPFgbGPhGohmrt1iMk5N4ZKuYiRbn8Yd\/IMG_5400.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmWfAnBFfkoxsHSyh6KVm2Wv95GgX67JJZXc1VVgvnt8UL\/IMG_5348.JPG\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmNYVk6VCjZXBdGVTHyJsrNf2KG9yJvB88P5ogTQcJhm9x\/benar.gif\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"pojan\",<br>\"adilvakhri\",<br>\"bangmimi\",<br>\"ponpase\",<br>\"adilvakhri\",<br>\"bangmimi\",<br>\"ponpase\",<br>\"adilvakhri\",<br>\"bangmimi\",<br>\"ponpase\",<br>\"bangmimi\",<br>\"adilvakhri\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"travel\",<br>\"indonesia\",<br>\"nature\",<br>\"esteem\",<br>\"life\" ,<br>\"app\":\"esteem\/1.5.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown+html\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"esteemapp",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.