Transaction: f433e98e63e3e6a177ba51064a940d09237b61f7

Included in block 20,854,909 at 2018/03/21 00:23:30 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f433e98e63e3e6a177ba51064a940d09237b61f7
ref_block_num 14,443
ref_block_prefix 3,763,867,155
transaction_num 57
signatures 2016d973aa7df26d194b8c9c95ead5e8a2c5cb5a288b3b045bd4f1613cf8e9a17717744e34eed7aa59573ee3563156ec561598587e4d9808e8a58e4fffed45e91a
"parent_author":"ethandsmith",<br>"parent_permlink":"the-beginner-s-guide-to-steemit-part-2-logging-in-and-keeping-your-account-safe",<br>"author":"stevesmith",<br>"permlink":"re-ethandsmith-the-beginner-s-guide-to-steemit-part-2-logging-in-and-keeping-your-account-safe-20180321t002326260z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"It's funny. I never thought I was a stupid man,<br> but I am absolutely baffled by all this. I suppose that if I read it enough times it may start to sink in but I'm not hopeful. \nWhat would help me I think is having someone actually show me and explain it in the process. \nI have screwed up somehow in that I cannot figure out how to find my real password or main key. Somewhere along the line,<br> when I was trying to use steemit on my little tablet,<br> I tried to regenerate a new password. Not sure why now. But at any rate,<br> I never was able to get it to work. And now,<br> when I go to the password page,<br> copy the password that is there,<br> open up Chrome,<br> (I've always used Firefox),<br> and try to log in to steemit on Chrome,<br> it tells me that it is the wrong password. So I figure that the only reason I'm still able to access stemmit on Firefox is because I've never logged out. I am sure that if I do log out,<br> I'll never be able to log in again. \nIf there were someone in my geological area,<br> Tampa\/St. Pete FL,<br> that would be willing to help me with this I would be eternally grateful and would try to make it worth their time. Otherwise,<br> I'm afraid that when this ancient computer,<br> (still using XP),<br> gives up the ghost I will be history on steemit.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemit\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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