Transaction: f354a9826f485b3f42904711dd8f6a3e3934d626

Included in block 46,843,257 at 2020/09/13 20:11:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f354a9826f485b3f42904711dd8f6a3e3934d626
ref_block_num 50,531
ref_block_prefix 4,002,490,804
transaction_num 3
signatures 20026f02a439ef8903864db66f1cf39c64eedb2d8e6d761800dadf8e7f078b86d514488be815ce9b2810122dc4d9147f9d75018f9a7fea561c60302e359169380d
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-144185",<br>"author":"punicwax",<br>"permlink":"here-is-how-pgl-game-wages-could-be-as-high-as-regular-usd-wages",<br>"title":"Here is how PGL game wages could be as high as regular USD wages",<br>"body":"@@ -3188,<br>84 +3188,<br>311 @@\n t.%0A%0A\n-Guide for people who can't afford to put $\n+This is a guide for anyone playing the game starting with $0.00,<br> no PGL. And the 1st 4 steps should take like 12 hrs checking every hour,<br> or spacing it out. Then you get tools and should be able to make at least \n 10\n-.\n 00 \n-in and who are starting at 0\n+gold a day on the website. 1000 game gold = 1 PGL which is only around $0.06 right now\n .%0A%0A1\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"pgl\",<br>\"prospectors\",<br>\"token\",<br>\"eth\",<br>\"gaming\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmbCAAgSCfSoyW2YN7cr1ccjDXaGWGXiqPF3R4TdCqycdK\/images.jpeg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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