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comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"life",<br>"author":"olorijoshua",<br>"permlink":"gain-in-patience-real-life-doesn-t-uses-3g-4g-or-wi-fi-20171222t0131434z",<br>"title":"Gain in patience. Real life doesn't uses 3G,<br> 4G or Wi-Fi",<br>"body":"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/6f5cblb8uw.jpg\n\nA patient dog eats the fattest bone saying is older than me and you reading this. I guess the inventor of those words must have spoken from experience. \nIn school we had patience from hundred level to five hundred level where we graduated. Those who were not patient enough left. Some travelled abroad for greener pastures while others learned a trade.\n \nHaving patience is like having faith because you know there will be a good outcome after all.\n\nI tell you a true life story \nFresh graduates went for an interview. They were kept in an open hall for hours. Some were impatient and left others were there bitterly complaining,<br> saying; how could the company keep them with first class unattended to. They insulted the company. One patient guy like me was there saying out to the others that if he get the job,<br> he will make sure he put in all his best to not lose it. Not knowing the interviewers were monitoring all of them in the hall with CCTV. All they wanted were employees who could manage disappointment and cope with situations.\nAfter a while the interviews came out with results of the interview. All the applicants were shocked to here that only one of them was qualified for the job. He was the gentle man who was composed and said how he plan to put in his best to not lose the job if gotten it.\n\nLessons \nOne strength that will benefit you in every area of your life is patience. When things get uncomfortable in life,<br> patience is a virtue and it will help you deal with them through. It helps you stay calm and composed.\n\nLearn to be patient in all you do.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"image\":[\"https:\/\/img.esteem.ws\/6f5cblb8uw.jpg\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"life\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"community\",<br>\"airhawk-project\",<br>\"nigeria\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"community\":\"esteem\" " |