Transaction: f1e363d69f9c57b034e4171a55299ed5bebf0fbc

Included in block 84,329,135 at 2024/04/18 04:31:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f1e363d69f9c57b034e4171a55299ed5bebf0fbc
ref_block_num 49,821
ref_block_prefix 1,009,002,526
transaction_num 2
signatures 2078056533eb9593148642ab90e488fca0cd02a07d013a4de73d5d959e5c7673d40ec81f4268a16e534d61c22082bd66155cca6fdd5f7078b7212a35b18183c8c2
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-145160",<br>"author":"abrarmuda",<br>"permlink":"flowers-that-live-freely-with-the-universe",<br>"title":"Flowers That Live Freely with the Universe",<br>"body":"![poppy-3137588_1280.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmQ2LYG3mDe7XZqdaLDyi2WTcAgbgUDDqsLigQiVMwG1Fq\/poppy-3137588_1280.jpg)\n\n[ (https:\/\/\/id\/photos\/opium-bunga-alam-bunga-liar-3137588\/)\n\nThe beauty of blooming flowers is always there even though the flowers live in the wild and there is no proper care and they are God's perfect creation.\n\nThe beauty of the flowers that bloom in the wild forest and look so beautiful with attractive colors so they look so beautiful in this photography.\n\nThere is always something we can do to get happiness in this world,<br> namely when we have flowers that grow abundantly with beautiful flowers,<br> our hearts will feel peace of mind.\n\nPeace of heart and mind when I am next to my favorite flowers that are blooming so that we can enjoy the beauty of flowers together with God's perfect and complete creation.\n\nWherever we go and wherever we are,<br> as long as we are still in this world we will encounter something beautiful and that is found in a flower that blooms perfectly,<br> there is nothing we should miss.\n\nLive a healthy and prosperous life by always using your heart to be grateful for all His gifts to us all.\n\nSo that's all for now from me and I'll say goodbye and we'll continue next time.\n\nThank You.\n\u24c2\ufe0f ABRAR",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"burnsteem25\",<br>\"flower\",<br>\"steemexclusive\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"krsuccess\",<br>\"indonesia\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmQ2LYG3mDe7XZqdaLDyi2WTcAgbgUDDqsLigQiVMwG1Fq\/poppy-3137588_1280.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/id\/photos\/opium-bunga-alam-bunga-liar-3137588\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
"beneficiaries":[ "account":"null",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.