Transaction: f175ab6efedee88891543b4060aa72002cedb934

Included in block 16,245,084 at 2017/10/11 19:43:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f175ab6efedee88891543b4060aa72002cedb934
ref_block_num 57,687
ref_block_prefix 902,145,164
transaction_num 27
signatures 1f73e98d610b43120422c28ebf19eb8d81274f12ce57249271a800fa14a38712935be8176e1ad09a384ccae1ee18c30667a4bea0651cbac1c66f2aeaca21e95d0c
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"dogs",<br>"author":"nunojesus",<br>"permlink":"why-do-dogs-lick-each-other-s-nose",<br>"title":"Why do dogs lick each other's nose?",<br>"body":"What could be cuter than your puppy kissing your friend's nose? Nothing at all. But is your dog actually giving his friend a kiss? Yes,<br> but that is only one reason for your dog to lick the muzzle of another dog.\n\nhttps:\/\/\/640\/cme\/cuteness_data\/s3fs-public\/diy_blog\/Why-Do-Puppies-Lick-Each-Others-Noses.jpg\n\nQuando se encontram,<br> um c\u00e3o t\u00edmido abaixar\u00e1 a cabe\u00e7a,<br> evitando contato visual direto e gentilmente estender\u00e1 sua l\u00edngua para lamber o focinho de um c\u00e3o mais dominante e confiante. O primeiro c\u00e3o lambe o focinho do segundo para reconfirmar que ele vem em paz. Pense nisso como o equivalente ao beijo social.\n \nC\u00e3es que j\u00e1 s\u00e3o amigos tamb\u00e9m trocam beijinhos. Dois amigos caninos fortemente ligados se lamber\u00e3o e cuidar\u00e3o um do outro. Eles d\u00e3o um ao outro \u201cbeijos de cachorro\u201d como demonstra\u00e7\u00f5es de afeto e amizade. Neste cen\u00e1rio,<br> a hierarquia social dos c\u00e3es n\u00e3o \u00e9 um problema. Estes c\u00e3es sabem e confiam um no outro. Eles tamb\u00e9m cuidam uns dos outros: um c\u00e3o que lambe excessivamente o focinho de seu amigo canino pode estar fazendo isso porque o ele tem um tumor,<br> corte ou outra necessidade m\u00e9dica que requer aten\u00e7\u00e3o e tratamento.\n\nPuppies also \"kiss\" their mothers,<br> but it is not a gesture of affection. When the pups transition from suckling the mother's tits to eating semisolid food,<br> they lick vigorously on the mother's nose in the hope of regurgitating some semi-digested food for them. If you have one like this,<br> follow your vet's guidelines to ensure they are getting the proper nutrition and let you know when and how to make the change from your mother's milk to dog food.\n\u00a0\nLicking the mouth or muzzle of another dog or person is a sign of submission.\n\nimage source: https:\/\/",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"dogs\",<br>\"animals\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"love\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/640\/cme\/cuteness_data\/s3fs-public\/diy_blog\/Why-Do-Puppies-Lick-Each-Others-Noses.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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