Transaction: f13398ddfa8e3de7a5d9f9087524433da83b8837

Included in block 14,672,435 at 2017/08/18 04:31:12 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f13398ddfa8e3de7a5d9f9087524433da83b8837
ref_block_num 57,903
ref_block_prefix 3,451,169,928
transaction_num 16
signatures 1f096643e73c85e564884dc9707388e5194661ec6e69ec8e40e094555b85614f3d36783078a0bea1649b294c8cbddbb4396dd7b4583d15d453bc13302ccd7b95b3
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"animals",<br>"author":"akaimyers",<br>"permlink":"shep-memorial-and-short-true-story",<br>"title":"Shep Memorial and short true story",<br>"body":"Shep a loyal dogs master died as shep waited by the railroad station in town being hit by the train sadly dying as the people mourn and make a will be posting the plaque![20170816_200228_002.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmNUrEgSwwxStUhQ2dF89HeVWfq5746pRiQQoaf6JWaHxr\/20170816_200228_002.jpg) of shep thst says more avour his legacy thanks again steemit friends i really like the museum so far and get to see the exhibits for free meeting wonderful people learning something new every day about native americans to montana and the way of the homesteaders seeing the cause and the effects of the buffalo almost extinction.will be posting more in detail tonorrow since its late and i work 10 to 5 (-: then to washington after six weeks.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"animals\",<br>\"museum\",<br>\"memorial\",<br>\"history\",<br>\"travel\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmNUrEgSwwxStUhQ2dF89HeVWfq5746pRiQQoaf6JWaHxr\/20170816_200228_002.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.