Transaction: f0dcac86fdbfa0d1f502f697ad813ff34dc7103c

Included in block 4,956,342 at 2016/09/14 07:06:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id f0dcac86fdbfa0d1f502f697ad813ff34dc7103c
ref_block_num 40,902
ref_block_prefix 611,627,591
transaction_num 0
signatures 1f2e45f81049091f91ed181830493de8c300c54b2c34c27d75a34933cf50f2bbbf2099bcaf53e985896ce81acbc03727e6c900b48f785d3a5dd580450a311cf819
"parent_author":"so-guitarist",<br>"parent_permlink":"global-warming-news-story-dated-1922-2016913t232155660z",<br>"author":"lifeworship",<br>"permlink":"re-so-guitarist-global-warming-news-story-dated-1922-2016913t232155660z-20160914t070637080z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"there is an In Search Of... episode from the 70's that talks about the impending ice age. in fact,<br> in my 6th grade earth science class,<br> one of our assignments was to calculate the increase in antarctic ice in cubic meters per year. this was about 1981. there was also a chapter on cloud seeding to change the weather. i also found a book called Impossible Possibilities,<br> that talks about a swedish scientist who had documented 60 extra solar planets by 1930. the weirdness just keeps going. thanks for the post. that is cool.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"global\" "
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