Transaction: efa83b3f5d7fdedacdfcd7ba12bd43a09ddca462

Included in block 20,854,985 at 2018/03/21 00:27:18 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id efa83b3f5d7fdedacdfcd7ba12bd43a09ddca462
ref_block_num 14,516
ref_block_prefix 1,415,634,327
transaction_num 1
signatures 1f7f8be83f403b014c2ee3f685d997cce6c4a7eed3ab34f98413cad32bf12ef5e0709ac8c182eb7a3728f5324b0f13b34956dbdddaca0a766c2a7d33cc6745ebce
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"gaming",<br>"author":"igamereviews",<br>"permlink":"iphone-ios-game-review-purrfect-date-or-paid-game-or-simulation",<br>"title":"Iphone (Ios) Game Review: Purrfect Date | Paid Game | Simulation",<br>"body":"![game reviews purrfect date paid simulation.png (https:\/\/\/DQmNUYzowyQntKSeUYyZNkCZ6gkAw978MqtX4h6o5hSonzQ\/game%20reviews%20purrfect%20date%20paid%20simulation.png)\nYou can get the game here: https:\/\/\/us\/app\/purrfect-date\/id1336052884?mt=8&at=1010lK2W\n\n<strong>GAMEPLAY:<\/strong>\n\nI wanted to take a look at this game because of the strong pedigree of the developer's background-both I Am Bread and Surgeon Simulator were well made games. The concept of a cat simulator sounds silly,<br> but I figured,<br> why not. \n\nI just don't see what others apparently see in this game. Maybe I'm just too cynical,<br> but this just seems like a really bog standard dating sim type game,<br> just with cats instead of people. \n\nDon't get me wrong,<br> there's a ton of content here,<br> and lot's of funny dialog and situations. But it seems like there are hardly any choices to make. \n\nYou're really just clicking through the dialog. Even with the silly dialogue,<br> I found myself getting bored pretty quickly. \n\nBut according to lots of other reviews,<br> I guess I'm in the minority here.\n\n\n<strong>GRAPHICS AND SOUND:<\/strong>\n\nNice hand drawn graphics and an amusing soundtrack.\n\n\n<strong>MONETIZATION:<\/strong>\n\nIt's $4.99. Just way too expensive,<br> in my opinion. I get that there's tons of content,<br> but this is really just a visual novel with a few choices to make.\n\nI don't personally recommend this game,<br> but lots of people seem to like the quirkiness of it.\n\nCheck out the full review plus a game description gameplay video here: \nhttps:\/\/\/game-reviews-purrfect-date-paid-simulation\/",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"gaming\",<br>\"game\",<br>\"games\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmNUYzowyQntKSeUYyZNkCZ6gkAw978MqtX4h6o5hSonzQ\/game%20reviews%20purrfect%20date%20paid%20simulation.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/us\/app\/purrfect-date\/id1336052884?mt=8&amp;at=1010lK2W\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/game-reviews-purrfect-date-paid-simulation\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.