Transaction: ecfc8afe00976697c732392449cc30f2c6d50fc2

Included in block 15,729,244 at 2017/09/23 21:35:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id ecfc8afe00976697c732392449cc30f2c6d50fc2
ref_block_num 599
ref_block_prefix 3,981,015,245
transaction_num 3
signatures 2018f72353a311a67f16fc22fb7af8de61ff132b7bdafd42464e87bf6bf1f8f4011aada7f52b9ad37653fe2edfcf21d51e2aa2340f8bb233074a3fbe28b106ad6c
"parent_author":"jerrybanfield",<br>"parent_permlink":"usd100-graphic-design-contest-make-my-first-header",<br>"author":"outerground",<br>"permlink":"re-jerrybanfield-usd100-graphic-design-contest-make-my-first-header-20170922t223345508z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"@@ -12,<br>16 +12,<br>21 @@\n anfield \n+Post \n Headers \n@@ -41,<br>16 +41,<br>741 @@\n rground \n+ TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE. %0A%0AI misread the post,<br> (being rather tired) I thought @jerrybanfield wanted a post header to use,<br> like the one at the top of this post). So I'm pulling my entry. It's self disqualified anyway due to inappropriate sizing,<br> etc. %0A%0A#### However %0AI really like it's upbeat design and message and I think it does capture the spirit of the *JB school of life* so Jerry if you're reading this,<br> you can have all 4 totally free of charge. If you would like to use them as post headers for your occasional posts,<br> be my guest. Download them and use them. In fact,<br> I grant you full copyright for the designs in this post by @outerground it would be a shame to waste them ! Not that you need to feel obliged to. \n %0A%0A!%5Bjerr\n@@ -1491,<br>16 +1491,<br>16 @@\n Win**%0A%0A\n-\n *Downloa\n@@ -1610,<br>8 +1610,<br>129 @@\n eference\n+ (that still applies,<br> if you want the Pshop masters,<br> just give me a nudge with an email address and I'll send them over)\n",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"contest\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"outerground\",<br>\"jerrybanfield\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmWpofXqMq75BRsNPVDXKfZa6GbTGSUtiJNuwYE3p8UYfZ\/jerrybanfield_header2.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmNwDjPUrrcUGkrsjKxrPHAL2DSh9SQRNU7aUaTVcpZKLQ\/jerrybanfield_header.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmaHSDSKepMtAW7U9uCfcF9poJuweDN2JofSd7qDkXJV41\/jerrybanfield_header2b_matrix.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmd1WHPvbqaqSPvMQHfzxLFj32tzGdYdW1YdteBmJfq89L\/jerrybanfield_header_matrix.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.