Transaction: eaab64cb0babd3023d95fc5b5f184ea103ef9105

Included in block 14,672,478 at 2017/08/18 04:33:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id eaab64cb0babd3023d95fc5b5f184ea103ef9105
ref_block_num 57,946
ref_block_prefix 1,336,297,708
transaction_num 14
signatures 204846702c8f289050f7ed505d64201edb4e699585d849981df51e27278cc6091e69d8a98d955be42f153b3b380a58ee10b2a8efe53b7de74b949d5d4fd20d7bcc
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"anarchy",<br>"author":"mikebluehair42",<br>"permlink":"arrested-at-voodoo-doughnut-2-of-3",<br>"title":"Arrested at voodoo doughnut 2 of 3",<br>"body":"DO NOT FOLLOW ME. I'm in the process of posting at least 1,<br>000 video on steemit. & yes they are all my original content! I dont want your feeds to be spammed with my videos. Even if I think my work is really good. it should take me at least a month to share all the video content I want to share here. if you like my stuff please do up vote,<br>re steem\/comment! after I get to the 1k mark of posts I'll stop warning people!\nBringing an Anarchist Perspective to police accountability.\nNew Cop watching videos posted on the weekends. This is going to be another in a series of vids from my massive 1700 plus video collection.\nI Guess the most noteworthy thing about me as far as other people are concerned is I'm a Police Accountability activist! I\u2019m Archiving all my cop watching videos here because fuck it why not? I co-founded a group of concerned citizens that film police interactions in public space. We watch the police so you don't have to. I fully Believe a watched\/filmed cop is an honest cop. I'm shit at promoting myself so if you're still reading this check out this link to a really good Article about what I do! http:\/\/\/protecting-the-people-copwatching-with-mike-bluehair\/\nAlways Shoot The Cops with your video camera\nhttps:\/\/\/watch?v=uV7U4zG9LWU\nCheck out my current work. youutbe channel linked here https:\/\/\/user\/wacportland\nFollow me on steemit https:\/\/\/@mikebluehair42\nSupport My Work by donating BitCoin!\ndonate umkay?\n1AbHui25TKmKbk5pm4BKLbZrriSazj26G3",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"anarchy\",<br>\"anarchism\",<br>\"politics\",<br>\"youtube\",<br>\"video\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/vi\/uV7U4zG9LWU\/0.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"http:\/\/\/protecting-the-people-copwatching-with-mike-bluehair\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=uV7U4zG9LWU\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/user\/wacportland\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/@mikebluehair42\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.