Transaction: e9a1d41a8b420c09fe1c6223e5bd973c41149cc7

Included in block 17,198,536 at 2017/11/13 22:59:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e9a1d41a8b420c09fe1c6223e5bd973c41149cc7
ref_block_num 28,086
ref_block_prefix 4,095,555,302
transaction_num 9
signatures 1f486cdeb2e8032aeaaeec888deedb314b599d52fb482f7921f47a7636c20c81e4033e4a2d05d769023ec91b865b515913b01ece2d0cd007d3558335ec0f3c52a5
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"travel",<br>"author":"ylmztmz",<br>"permlink":"travel-notes-of-turkey-3-kas-ancient-details-of-blue-antik-mavi-detaylar",<br>"title":"Travel Notes Of Turkey #3 KA\u015e - Ancient Details of Blue - Antik Mavi Detaylar",<br>"body":"<html>\n<p><strong>[EN <\/strong><h2>Ancient Details of Blue<\/h2>Imagine a winding coastline of gleaming blue that stretches as far as the eye can see,<br> as well as enchanting views of Islands large and small.The clear water of emerald cover between hillsides sloping down to sea....<\/p>\n<p><strong>[TR <\/strong><h2>Antik Mavi Detaylar<\/h2> G\u00f6z\u00fcn\u00fcz\u00fcn alabildi\u011fine uzanan k\u0131vr\u0131ml\u0131 sahiller de mavi rengin en g\u00f6z al\u0131c\u0131 tonunu hayal edin..B\u00fcy\u00fckl\u00fc-k\u00fc\u00e7\u00fckl\u00fc adalar\u0131n o b\u00fcy\u00fcleyici manzaras\u0131yla berrak denize uzanan tepelerin aras\u0131nda kalm\u0131\u015f gizli koylar\u0131..<\/p>\n<p><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmcq334D25iMNh6VR34AJAMBNahN4Y2iyoVAuYJwfr6enf\/Kas-1.jpg<\/p>\n<p><br>\n<strong>[EN <\/strong>Historical ruins dominate the landscape with all their beauty,<br>both on land and in the sea.That's why Ka\u015f has become the centre of diving tourism in Turkey and the first choice of diving enthusiasts.<\/p>\n<p><br>\n<strong>[TR <\/strong>Tarihi kal\u0131nt\u0131lar\u0131 deniz \u00fcst\u00fcnde oldu\u011fu kadar deniz alt\u0131 g\u00fczellikleriyle de h\u00fck\u00fcm s\u00fcr\u00fcyor Ka\u015f.Bu sebeple sualt\u0131 merakl\u0131lar\u0131 i\u00e7in Ka\u015f dal\u0131\u015f turizminin T\u00fcrkiye'deki merkezi olarak biliniyor.<\/p>\n<p><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmWKV98KkmdsHYzoaXGPcq2mFXH8KWrF6vNw9iPm71tYfT\/kas-dalis-1.jpg<\/p>\n<p><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmV52jCEomAm6ik5dZBCtokEZckGeYweCs3gxj8paYnQb5\/kas-dalis-2.jpg<\/p>\n<p><br>\n<strong>[EN <\/strong>Kas brings to mind stunning views of the landscape in this region which is dotted witd island.As an ancient Lycian city,<br> Kas was located here between two peninsulas above a deep bay on the winding coastline that runs parallel with the Taurus mountains.Along with the tiny islands that adorn the coast,<br>the extraordinary island of Meis is just across from Ka\u015f only about two kilometres away.In order to enjoy this remarkable view all you have to do is climb \n a hill that overlooks the the bay at sunset<\/p>\n<p><br>\n<strong>[TR <\/strong>Denize serpilmi\u015f kara par\u00e7alar\u0131ndan olu\u015fmu\u015f bu harika yer ,<br> Ka\u015f denildi\u011fi zaman akla gelen benzersiz manzaray\u0131 olu\u015fturuyor.Antik Likya kenti,<br> Toroslara paralel k\u0131vr\u0131larak gelen sahil \u015feridinde,<br> iki ada aras\u0131nda derin bir k\u00f6rfezin i\u00e7erisinde kurulu.Meis adas\u0131yla aras\u0131nda yakla\u015f\u0131k 2km gibi az bir mesafe var.Bu g\u00fczel manzaray\u0131 izlemek istiyorsan\u0131z g\u00fcnbat\u0131m\u0131nda y\u00fcksek bir yere \u00e7\u0131kman\u0131z tavsiye edilir..<\/p>\n<p><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmP8LTuSwtjqBtKvaieEB5SoyKWd1Bmzg5J16R48tdRuDa\/kas-2.jpg<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<strong>[EN <\/strong>Ka\u015f,<br> which spends most of the year in peace and quiet,<br> takes on a completely different atmosphere with the coming of the summer season! People stop to chat and sparrows flit among the leaves of trees in the town square,<br> where crowds of tourists gather and children run.The closest beach is K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck\u00e7ak\u0131l ,<br>which is just a 5-10 minute walk from the center of city.<br><br>\n<strong>[TR <\/strong> Hemen hemen b\u00fct\u00fcn bir y\u0131l\u0131 sessiz ve sakin ge\u00e7iren bu g\u00fczel yerde,<br> yaz sezonunun ba\u015flamas\u0131yla birlikte bamba\u015fka bir atmosfer ya\u015fanmaya ba\u015fl\u0131yor.Ayak\u00fcst\u00fc k\u0131sa sohbetlerin yap\u0131ld\u0131\u011f\u0131,<br> a\u011fa\u00e7 dallar\u0131nda ku\u015flar\u0131n dola\u015ft\u0131\u011f\u0131 kent meydan\u0131nda ko\u015fu\u015fturan \u00e7ocuklar,<br> hareketli turist gruplar\u0131ndan olu\u015fan kalabal\u0131klar hakim.Merkeze en yak\u0131n mesafede olan K\u00fc\u00e7\u00fck\u00e7ak\u0131l plaj\u0131 yaln\u0131zca 5-10 dakikal\u0131k y\u00fcr\u00fcy\u00fc\u015f mesafesinde.<br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmdBspeUHZuqkBgrTi8RUkPr5Q3j1ixsKBUGgherqEuJZs\/kas-kucuk-cakil.jpg\n<br><br>\n<strong>[EN <\/strong> If you are willing to travel a little farther away,<br>the nicest beach is Kaputa\u015f beach,<br>which is 15 kilometers from the center of Ka\u015f.This beach located off the Fethiye road in the direction of Kalkan,<br>is often featuren in the press as one of Turkey's most beautiful beach and it is one of the most popular of stops! <br><br>\n<strong>[TR <\/strong>Biraz daha mesafe alarak gidilebilecek en g\u00fczel plajlardan birisi ise Ka\u015f'a ortalama 15 kilometrelik mesafede ki Kaputa\u015f Plaj\u0131.Fethiye yolu \u00fczerinden Kalkan'a do\u011fru giderken yolunuza \u00e7\u0131kan,<br> zaman zaman bas\u0131nda T\u00fcrkiye'nin en g\u00fczel plajlar\u0131ndan se\u00e7ilen bu sahil bir \u00e7ok insan i\u00e7in en pop\u00fcler durak yerlerinden birisi.<br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmU2sQA14qR3oa7iRd5MxTq2W9B28CzwRfQ5sEh4Lv5e65\/kaputas-plaji-kas.jpg\n<br><br>\n<strong>[EN <\/strong>One of the unique opportunites made possible by the beauty of the geography of Ka\u015f are day long boat trips.There are numerous routes and taking a boat trip is a great way to spend a day at sea.The most popular is the Kekova tour.Which includes a visit to Kalek\u00f6y on its route.The ancient Lycean city of Simena is accessible only by sea and what makes it so unique is that as you approach theshore you can make out the stunningly beautiful Lycian graves that rise up out of the sea.<br><br>\n<strong>[TR <\/strong>Ka\u015f co\u011frafi g\u00fczelli\u011finin art\u0131lar\u0131ndan biri de g\u00fcn boyu s\u00fcren tekne turlar\u0131.Bir\u00e7ok alternatif rotaya sahip tekne gezileri denizde harika bir g\u00fcn ge\u00e7irmenize yard\u0131mc\u0131 oluyor.En \u00e7ok tercih edilen turlardan olan Kekova turlar\u0131,<br> b\u00fcy\u00fcleyici koylar aras\u0131na gizlenmi\u015f Kalek\u00f6y,<br> eski ad\u0131yla Simena antik kentinin ziyaret edildi\u011fi etkileyici bir rotad\u0131r.Antik Likya kenti Simena,<br> sadece denizden ula\u015f\u0131labilen olduk\u00e7a \u00f6zel ve g\u00fczel bir yer.Hen\u00fcz yana\u015f\u0131rken bile denizin i\u00e7inden y\u00fckselen Likya mezarlar\u0131 olduk\u00e7a \u015fa\u015f\u0131rt\u0131c\u0131 g\u00fczellikte.<br><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmTzEaRKg8iMsKU9HN6bbiHVWgLXw9kpHQE8LGnBBqo1EV\/simena-kas.jpg\n<br><br><strong>[EN <\/strong> Another alternative point from which to set out for Kalek\u00f6y is the town of \u00dc\u00e7a\u011f\u0131z,<br> which is under the municipal authority of Ka\u015f.\u00dc\u00e7a\u011f\u0131z a charming fishing village,<br> is easily accessible by land.It's perfect if you prefer staying in places that are small and quiet!There are bed and breakfast just a few metres from the shore and you can enjoy and enjoyable relaxing dinner at one of the tables set up on the piers.This calm cove is a perfect stopping point for sailboats,<br> and their white hulls glide between the green of the land and blue of the sea. Ancient graves rise up from the water and along the length of the shore,<br> a familiar sight along this stretch of coastline. Instead of tour boats \n you\u2019ll find small fishing boats for hire here. These small boats are perfect if you want to come up with your own enjoyable trip and set out to sea far from the crowds,<br> and you can visit the countless beautiful small coves that can only be discovered by sea. While tour boats are enjoyable,<br> hiring one of these small boats o\ufb00ers a di\ufb00erent sense of adventure,<br> and the pleasure of weighing anchor at a deserted cove and going for a swim is unlike anything else.\n<br>\n<strong>[TR <\/strong>\u00dc\u00e7a\u011f\u0131z beldesi di\u011fer bir alternatif. \u015eirin,<br> ufak bir bal\u0131k\u00e7\u0131 k\u00f6y\u00fc olan \u00dc\u00e7a\u011f\u0131z\u2019a karadan ula\u015fmak olduk\u00e7a kolay. Daha sessiz ve ufak beldelerde konaklamay\u0131 tercih edenler i\u00e7in ger\u00e7ekten son derece uygun. Hemen\nsahilin birka\u00e7 metre yak\u0131n\u0131na kurulmu\u015f pansiyonlar,<br> denizle i\u00e7 i\u00e7e ufak iskelelere konan masalar keyifli bir ak\u015fam yeme\u011fi huzur veriyor. Dingin k\u00f6rfezi ye\u015fil ve mavinin aras\u0131nda bembeyaz yelkenleriyle s\u00fcz\u00fclen tekneler... Sahil boyunca hem denizin i\u00e7inde,<br> hem de d\u0131\u015f\u0131nda devam eden antik mezarlar,<br> bu k\u0131y\u0131larda g\u00f6r\u00fclmeye al\u0131\u015f\u0131lan manzaralardan. Burada ufak kiral\u0131k bal\u0131k\u00e7\u0131 tekneleri,<br> kalabal\u0131klardan uzak,<br> yaln\u0131z ba\u015f\u0131n\u0131za denize a\u00e7\u0131lmak ve kendinize \u00f6zel bir gezi program\u0131 i\u00e7in son derece uygun ve e\u011flenceli. \u00dcstelik bu tekneler sizi,<br> denizden ke\u015ffedilmeyi bekleyen say\u0131s\u0131z g\u00fczellikteki koylara ula\u015ft\u0131r\u0131yor.. Iss\u0131z bir koya demirleyip y\u00fczmenin keyfi ise hi\u00e7bir \u015fey ile k\u0131yaslanamaz..\n<br><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmbEQNbSApjq6UMgHoZzWdqqApoJEQNSC2vW5yVgrubhko\/ucagiz-kas.jpg\n<br><br>\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmeSc5T7QrDuipBswuS8ik6NdyijVFqwUaRWBwbeWQdL8M\/ucagiz-kas-1.jpg\n\n<strong>see you in the next post! <\/strong><br>\n\n<strong>Di\u011fer yaz\u0131m\u0131z da g\u00f6r\u00fc\u015fmek \u00fczere! <\/strong><br>\n\n<strong>Don't forget to upvote if you liked the post,<br> follow for more,<br> and leave a comment to let me know what you think! <\/strong><br>\n\nhttps:\/\/\/DQmPdh3hGFKRuHfhtdRSb3Q9fQtvTMxaE5n7V6hz6XMVJ6F\/upvote.jpg\n<br>\n<strong>E\u011fer bu yaz\u0131y\u0131 sevdiyseniz upvote yapmay\u0131 unutmay\u0131n ve di\u011fer yaz\u0131lar i\u00e7in beni takip edin <\/strong>\n\n<\/html>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"travel\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"history\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmcq334D25iMNh6VR34AJAMBNahN4Y2iyoVAuYJwfr6enf\/Kas-1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmWKV98KkmdsHYzoaXGPcq2mFXH8KWrF6vNw9iPm71tYfT\/kas-dalis-1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmV52jCEomAm6ik5dZBCtokEZckGeYweCs3gxj8paYnQb5\/kas-dalis-2.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmP8LTuSwtjqBtKvaieEB5SoyKWd1Bmzg5J16R48tdRuDa\/kas-2.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdBspeUHZuqkBgrTi8RUkPr5Q3j1ixsKBUGgherqEuJZs\/kas-kucuk-cakil.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmU2sQA14qR3oa7iRd5MxTq2W9B28CzwRfQ5sEh4Lv5e65\/kaputas-plaji-kas.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmTzEaRKg8iMsKU9HN6bbiHVWgLXw9kpHQE8LGnBBqo1EV\/simena-kas.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmbEQNbSApjq6UMgHoZzWdqqApoJEQNSC2vW5yVgrubhko\/ucagiz-kas.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmeSc5T7QrDuipBswuS8ik6NdyijVFqwUaRWBwbeWQdL8M\/ucagiz-kas-1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmPdh3hGFKRuHfhtdRSb3Q9fQtvTMxaE5n7V6hz6XMVJ6F\/upvote.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"html\" "
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