Transaction: e68047aa0ef4e0a65474445630cdf8929aeb68d1

Included in block 4,809,024 at 2016/09/09 03:47:24 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e68047aa0ef4e0a65474445630cdf8929aeb68d1
ref_block_num 24,893
ref_block_prefix 4,218,489,916
transaction_num 1
signatures 202bb20d62ac73be880e29a00a241240066565dcafb86731e41600e1a27229eddc7d2bfbd7f534467ddb214a2ca4e0079a57ec81e7ac89f9990ecd30e1868f8de7
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"art",<br>"author":"",<br>"permlink":"soundcloud-com-soph",<br>"title":"\/soph",<br>"body":"sophocles arvanitis (1980)\nhis work focuses on the composition of electroacoustic music on fixed medium,<br>the creation of sound installations and on improvised live electronic and mixed music. it involves intermediary positions,<br> in the composition of systems that can produce aesthetic results,<br> the composition of sound,<br> the creation of musical material and in spatialization of the musical material. his work is influenced by characteristics of the various environments of sound that surround us in our every day existence,<br> by the systematic relationships between humans and sonic environments and by ideas about structuring and form with the use of technological means.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"art\" "
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