Transaction: e660a40ebf3f61da5ee1d8e28e05c26818f2ed08

Included in block 15,729,352 at 2017/09/23 21:41:00 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e660a40ebf3f61da5ee1d8e28e05c26818f2ed08
ref_block_num 708
ref_block_prefix 1,926,136,637
transaction_num 14
signatures 1f6a362c0eaf8fad7fc82db14d8c264e46670dd4c4c36e99e09be632c49d5cae8a58b7f0de4caf7deb9dea9e1805d6025acda4a145b73f407a91b3f6780abb4a0b
"parent_author":"bluesky5555",<br>"parent_permlink":"i-like-your-strategy",<br>"author":"blogstar",<br>"permlink":"re-bluesky5555-i-like-your-strategy-20170923t214058700z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"O-M-G!!! This describes me right now. My daughter and I had a fight over nonsense! Her two pets escaped while I was babysitting her son (my grand baby!). Hours had passed before we noticed. I didn't join her in the search as I cannot see well at night. She later came back...she had found one. She came up to me,<br> shaking with rage: \"I hate you! I hate you! You let them go and I don't care for your lame excuses. You'll say anything to avoid taking responsibility!\" Then we had words... horrible words. She claims I told her \"F.U.\"... but that's impossible. I'm not one to insult my kids so horribly. We were both yelling and who knows what she heard. I sure can't remember the words...just the hurt. That was back in May. My heart is broken... it takes me a great deal of effort to \"put that aside\". I keep going...hoping that one day she will need me again and I can see both my babies. You're not alone. Thanks for sharing.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"poem\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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