Transaction: e5342b5ea0b375d66ebafad7ba6831c7fc0caa66

Included in block 43,007,637 at 2020/05/01 18:54:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e5342b5ea0b375d66ebafad7ba6831c7fc0caa66
ref_block_num 15,999
ref_block_prefix 2,124,904,730
transaction_num 9
signatures 1f623f2fa2c0710cec49ac2d8d34a123b73f99e2dae8b698e417afbe35c7c9b24a4582118e314918072d2eccf87c158285e158e811e97e126e6c944b537844573d
"parent_author":"gbenga",<br>"parent_permlink":"ray-kurzweil-s-prediction-about-the-future-of-technology",<br>"author":"awah",<br>"permlink":"q9o1t5",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Although we might not know how the technology will manifest itself,<br> and if we did,<br> we would use it now as we would understand it,<br> we can forecast the future by looking at the attributes that a future system would have. Those attributes become an objective for us to fulfil and if there is a strong enough desire then technology will eventually catch up.\n\nSo if I take the future of the home. I don't know the exact technology as it hasn't been invented but I would want a home that can recognise me and talk to me. That information like news,<br> music,<br> videos could be in the place I wanted them anywhere in the house with my command. Without lots of fixed bulky monitors. I would want to be able to control the security,<br> lights,<br> atmosphere,<br> shutters. I would also want to be able to access my home remotely to check in and see when the kids are home.\n\nSo are these attributes we wish for a kind of prediction and how the technology materialises to deliver the attributes the unknow that we need to invent. I think if we follow this approach to thinking we can all predict the future to a certain extent. What do you think?",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" "
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