Transaction: e4c13eb755a1a510d0756a74c5eccbad350b52b2

Included in block 41,815,434 at 2020/03/20 11:13:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e4c13eb755a1a510d0756a74c5eccbad350b52b2
ref_block_num 3,447
ref_block_prefix 3,058,665,247
transaction_num 10
signatures 1f5de06cc16d998a04eaa0fffab3ecf63d24af1183518c57a854cff88a84e9864c78390bcaabdd870bd7590557296e554af17705898fcc5790ec3fa6872b0fe5a3
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive",<br>"author":"craft-beer",<br>"permlink":"hello-hive",<br>"title":"Hello Hive",<br>"body":"Hello,<br>\n\nis the party on Hive started,<br> i hope that this community will be decentralized and free,<br> since steemit loosed freedom due to acquisition from Justin Sun and his view of the decentralization. This is a remarkable start,<br> first community in social networking that is really free and decentralized and all the hopes are here that we will be up and running in years to come.\n\ni am giving reviews of basketball matches in NBA,<br> Euroleague and European leagues,<br> that are currently postponed,<br> but will be active when the seasons continue\n\nall the best for the community\n\nand drink beer responsibly",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"hive\",<br>\"decentralization\",<br>\"justin\",<br>\"steem\",<br>\"beer\" ,<br>\"app\":\"hiveblog\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.