Transaction: e3fd81ad9a89464f2c2b29549f3da2f45ac98360

Included in block 35,178,035 at 2019/08/01 17:23:18 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e3fd81ad9a89464f2c2b29549f3da2f45ac98360
ref_block_num 50,719
ref_block_prefix 3,050,983,246
transaction_num 31
signatures 207eb24cf177566cb10bd8f22379ce9813bea159999ef2b5d79f0450a00075fb9f638c765027824458cf3c5a66b36e69ff25a1ab6375435c3623e2556825cb53ec
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"freewrite",<br>"author":"nathanthewise",<br>"permlink":"day-650-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-creature",<br>"title":"Day 650: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: creature",<br>"body":"<center>\n![20180124_000429.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmWdxohSDK87N9H88jPZEnYCaveqKJ5u5Z29DnwUvpw4ma\/20180124_000429.jpg)<\/center>\n<center>*\"Nuna in Vision\",<br> 16 by 22 inches,<br> acrylic on wood,<br> 2019*\n<\/center>\n<center>\nThe improv for the creature to keep the brain,<br> the sodoku answers flowing,<br> a lemon drop to sweeten the creative flow why not just let those juices flow? why not forget the editing,<br> the formulating of sentences,<br> checking on all the syllables and proper timing. That stuff can wait for later this freewrite is being the creature,<br> the piano player playing with Mingus hitting the high notes as well as the low notes,<br> sharp ones,<br> soft ones too.. all the right keys. Wow,<br> another fresh day ahead and the freewrite seems to be a nice dash of stimulation within this simulation splash of cold water to feel human and hungry,<br> alive and well,<br> a creature of nature,<br> manatee of maturity. The mind juice has been displaying out on the screen,<br> electric connection with random people from near and far,<br> music tying us together,<br> words expressing,<br> barriers of universal bounds broken,<br> breaking bread as we are brought together. A holy fire made of holy fodder. For the truth is simple,<br> the Chi almighty,<br> and the energies all one. Let\u2019s not over-analyze,<br> overthink or over-complicate the simplistic way to achieve the tightness of the cheeks display of the pearls. Chain reaction filled with summer loving and writing freely.<\/center>\n\n\n<center>[link for the post (https:\/\/\/freewrite\/@mariannewest\/day-650-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-creature)<\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"freewrite\",<br>\"artwork\",<br>\"artist\",<br>\"creativity\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmWdxohSDK87N9H88jPZEnYCaveqKJ5u5Z29DnwUvpw4ma\/20180124_000429.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/freewrite\/@mariannewest\/day-650-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-creature\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.