Transaction: e2b15d95a10b11f1e556788c3525ea7162d9c612

Included in block 35,178,012 at 2019/08/01 17:22:09 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e2b15d95a10b11f1e556788c3525ea7162d9c612
ref_block_num 50,694
ref_block_prefix 594,223,716
transaction_num 1
signatures 1f16e6eb4b91eb910db8442bd1eb5c262cfcf98f268268e85eb7f764ca7a7c92e469eb02d4df5e20b5970a311619235a50bfaed15572a56502f1d58d0a4593a388
"parent_author":"dkkarolien",<br>"parent_permlink":"sew-much-fun-not-qpylpekl",<br>"author":"neumannsalva",<br>"permlink":"pvkiwq",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"How nice is this - you got a sewing machine for free and you are brave to try it out again. I have won a sewing machine some years ago and before I was not interested in sewing at all. But because of this win,<br> I started to try. I am still beginner and sewing does not come naturally to me (I could have made the same mistake as you) but I learned enough to sew a decent sweater,<br> shirt or a simple dress. \nI hope you will find joy in your new sewing machine and perhaps we here more of you next Monday.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"needleworkmonday\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
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