Transaction: e27409449b388d3eff931f1f61ca4f474d9818e2

Included in block 20,697,910 at 2018/03/15 13:29:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e27409449b388d3eff931f1f61ca4f474d9818e2
ref_block_num 54,043
ref_block_prefix 2,180,048,514
transaction_num 18
signatures 207be29b370e2460580e22bf028201088090972aa5a3f4241d8ec73fdf2033dd6318eedbd40c98c2f15bbb6e6366ef0ccff8a6f751abaa7fe8e25a19171a09e3d0
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"inspiration",<br>"author":"ikechi",<br>"permlink":"eat-that-snake",<br>"title":"Eat that snake!",<br>"body":"Good morning fellow Steemians.\n\nI usually find nature very fascinating and quite uncanny as well. Over the years,<br> man's many developments,<br> inventions and innovations were made as a result of the inspiration he drew from nature (animals). Examples of such innovations include but are not limited to the following:\nInvention | Inspiration | Image\n------------- | -------------- | -----------\nAeroplane | Birds | ![51U9nPuFOdL._SY400_.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmTF3SLTUW4osTXXecJVivk1JWHCdqJW9kCBKwcmykLvkN\/51U9nPuFOdL._SY400_.jpg)\nSubmarine | Fish & bats | ![images-1.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmavq9P2YwMZ4yvBZiPPn2KGZmcwLGPccda7bWb49gs3Yq\/images-1.jpg)\nAdhesive | Gecko | ![aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzNy80NjMvb3JpZ2luYWwvZ2Vja28tZmVldC5qcGc=.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmYYSvgTJ9i3ve9QuiHxyLYAFh5AfnAju4exYpV9FxmW3T\/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzNy80NjMvb3JpZ2luYWwvZ2Vja28tZmVldC5qcGc%3D.jpg)\nRobot that walks on water | water strider | ![images.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmbHiXcCB3HiggQxPqG8C5f6uMP91MA53SkVusBosxc8vm\/images.jpg)\nPortable X-ray machines | Lobster | nil\nSources: [Source1 (https:\/\/\/28873-cool-technologies-inspired-by-nature.html),<br> [Source2 (https:\/\/\/activities\/view\/nyu_biomimicry_activity1),<br> [Source3 (https:\/\/\/Nature-Got-There-First-Inventions\/dp\/1856975878)\n...and so on. This process of drawing inspiration from nature(animals) for innovation is called ***Biomimickry***. But this is not my focus at the moment.\n\nAlso,<br> apart from inventions and innovations,<br> other inspirations can come from nature,<br> specifically animals. For example,<br> the Bible used the story of ants which gather in summer in preparation for winter to advice us on planning and hard work. \n\nI got that kind of inspiration today,<br> but it was not from ants and surely,<br> it was not the same message.\n\n---\nToday,<br> I stumbled on a picture online that got me thinking; the inspiration I gathered from it was of a colossal nature.\n![FB_IMG_1520493927975.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmRsNZs3YEeEPkjszW7E5BYYTjrb7EsBQX9193kCRowJRh\/FB_IMG_1520493927975.jpg)\n[<small>Source<\/small> (\/picturesinhistory)\n\nThe picture shows a toad while it was swallowing a snake -a small snake. Strange right?\n\n## Inspiration\nSince I was born,<br> I have never heard of or seen a toad swallowing a snake. So seeing it today gave me the shock of my life. I had learnt previously from biology classes and other sources that in the food chain,<br> the snake is above the toad. The known predators of snake to me were other snakes,<br> birds and man. But in the picture,<br> it portrays the story of the predator being the prey. But why is it so?\nIt is clear to me that from the picture,<br> that the reason why the toad could consume the snake despite it being a natural prey of its meal,<br> is because the snake was not fully grown; yeah it was a small snake.\n\nFrom the picture,<br> a lot of inspiration can be drawn which would be developed upon. But look at this;\n\n# <center>If the snake were to be fully grown,<br> which do you think would have been the prey?<\/center>\n\n## <center>The toad or snake?<\/center>\n\nYou'd almost surely say the snake right? And I will agree with that too.\n\n>As long as a predator is not given the opportunity to grow,<br> it will remain a prey.\n\nNow,<br> look at the sentence above figuratively,<br> and apply it to yourself and then ask yourself\n\n>\"What are those things that if I let to grow,<br> will end up 'eating' me?\"\n\nI will leave you now to answer the question for now. I will subsequently share the inspirations I got from the picture in series if necessary..\n\nCheers.\n\n---\n\nFollow the story via @ikechi,<br> let's get inspired.\n\n---\n\nJoin the steemit school on discord to learn more about how to improve your content: https:\/\/\/V6X7TmD\n\n---\n\nJoin the steembee hive on discord to interact with great people,<br> get information and tools to ease your steemit journey and also get rewards from the @kingbee\nhttps:\/\/\/cqRAXXS\n\n---\n[\u00a9Ikechi (http:\/\/\/@ikechi) ",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"busy\",<br>\"app\":\"busy\/2.4.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"users\":[\"ikechi\",<br>\"kingbee\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/28873-cool-technologies-inspired-by-nature.html\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/activities\/view\/nyu_biomimicry_activity1\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/Nature-Got-There-First-Inventions\/dp\/1856975878\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/picturesinhistory\",<br>\"\/@ikechi\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/V6X7TmD\",<br>\"\/@kingbee\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/cqRAXXS\",<br>\"http:\/\/\/@ikechi\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmTF3SLTUW4osTXXecJVivk1JWHCdqJW9kCBKwcmykLvkN\/51U9nPuFOdL._SY400_.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmavq9P2YwMZ4yvBZiPPn2KGZmcwLGPccda7bWb49gs3Yq\/images-1.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmYYSvgTJ9i3ve9QuiHxyLYAFh5AfnAju4exYpV9FxmW3T\/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzNy80NjMvb3JpZ2luYWwvZ2Vja28tZmVldC5qcGc%3D.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmbHiXcCB3HiggQxPqG8C5f6uMP91MA53SkVusBosxc8vm\/images.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/0x0\/https:\/\/\/DQmRsNZs3YEeEPkjszW7E5BYYTjrb7EsBQX9193kCRowJRh\/FB_IMG_1520493927975.jpg\" ,<br>\"tags\":[\"inspiration\",<br>\"motivation\",<br>\"busy\",<br>\"steembees\",<br>\"science\" "
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