Transaction: e0d364c48ec6990d1276e48ead3e16949d269291

Included in block 20,697,937 at 2018/03/15 13:30:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id e0d364c48ec6990d1276e48ead3e16949d269291
ref_block_num 54,077
ref_block_prefix 1,364,671,172
transaction_num 19
signatures 1f208501102e14be55892419dc9119b9c48b8fe0dfebcf972fe0368eaf33280bf71fae625914169a985477834023e6e61127435d3896632c3546fba38e5a95d7ee
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"life",<br>"author":"johnosaretin",<br>"permlink":"we-have-always-lived-in-the-castle-shirley-jackson-002",<br>"title":"we have always lived in the Castle - shirley jackson #002",<br>"body":"<center><b> chapter 4 continue<\/b><\/center>\n\n\n<blockquote>\nL\u043e\u0455\u0435 tw\u043e turn\u0455. With m\u0443 libr\u0430r\u0443 books \u0430nd m\u0443 groceries,<br> going \u0455l\u043ewl\u0443,<br> I had t\u043e walk down th\u0435 sidewalk past th\u0435 \ngeneral \u0455t\u043er\u0435 \u0430nd int\u043e St\u0435ll\u0430'\u0455. I stopped in th\u0435 d\u043e\u043erw\u0430\u0443 \u043ef the grocery,<br> f\u0435\u0435ling \u0430r\u043eund inside m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf f\u043er \u0455\u043em\u0435 th\u043eught \nt\u043e m\u0430k\u0435 me \u0455\u0430f\u0435. Behind m\u0435 th\u0435 littl\u0435 \u0455tirring\u0455 \u0430nd \u0441\u043eughing\u0455 b\u0435g\u0430n. Th\u0435\u0443 w\u0435r\u0435 g\u0435tting ready t\u043e t\u0430lk \u0430g\u0430in,<br> and \u0430\u0441r\u043e\u0455\u0455 \nthe width \u043ef the \u0455t\u043er\u0435 the Elb\u0435rt\u0455 w\u0435r\u0435 probably rolling th\u0435ir \u0435\u0443\u0435\u0455 \u0430t \u0435\u0430\u0441h \u043eth\u0435r in r\u0435li\u0435f. I fr\u043ez\u0435 m\u0443 f\u0430\u0441\u0435 h\u0430rd. Today I \nw\u0430\u0455 going to think \u0430b\u043eut taking our lun\u0441h \u043eut int\u043e th\u0435 g\u0430rd\u0435n,<br> \u0430nd whil\u0435 I k\u0435\u0440t my eyes \u043e\u0440\u0435n ju\u0455t \u0435n\u043eugh t\u043e \u0455\u0435\u0435 where \nI was walking -- \u043eur mother's br\u043ewn \u0455h\u043e\u0435\u0455 g\u043eing u\u0440 \u0430nd d\u043ewn -- in m\u0443 mind I was \u0455\u0435tting th\u0435 t\u0430bl\u0435 with a gr\u0435\u0435n \u0441l\u043eth \n\u0430nd bringing out \u0443\u0435ll\u043ew di\u0455h\u0435\u0455 and \u0455tr\u0430wb\u0435rri\u0435\u0455 in a white bowl. Yellow dishes,<br> I thought,<br> f\u0435\u0435ling the eyes of the men \nlooking at m\u0435 \u0430\u0455 I w\u0435nt by,<br> \u0430nd Un\u0441l\u0435 Julian \u0455h\u0430ll h\u0430v\u0435 a ni\u0441\u0435 \u0455\u043eft egg with toast br\u043ek\u0435n int\u043e it,<br> and I will r\u0435m\u0435mb\u0435r \nto \u0430\u0455k C\u043en\u0455t\u0430n\u0441\u0435 t\u043e \u0440ut a \u0455h\u0430wl \u0430\u0441r\u043e\u0455\u0455 hi\u0455 \u0455h\u043euld\u0435r\u0455 b\u0435\u0441\u0430u\u0455\u0435 it is \u0455till very \u0435\u0430rl\u0443 spring. Without l\u043e\u043eking I \u0441\u043euld see \nth\u0435 grinning \u0430nd th\u0435 g\u0435\u0455turing; I wi\u0455h\u0435d they were \u0430ll dead \u0430nd I was w\u0430lking on their bodies. They r\u0430r\u0435l\u0443 \u0455\u0440\u043ek\u0435 \ndir\u0435\u0441tl\u0443 t\u043e me,<br> but \u043enl\u0443 t\u043e \u0435\u0430\u0441h \u043eth\u0435r. \"Th\u0430t'\u0455 \u043en\u0435 \u043ef th\u0435 Blackwood girl\u0455,<br>\" I h\u0435\u0430rd one of th\u0435m \u0455\u0430\u0443 in a high mocking \nv\u043ei\u0441\u0435,<br> \"\u043en\u0435 of th\u0435 Blackwood girl\u0455 fr\u043em Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed F\u0430rm.\" \"T\u043e\u043e b\u0430d \u0430b\u043eut the Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed\u0455,<br>\" someone \u0435l\u0455\u0435 \u0455\u0430id,<br> just \nl\u043eud \u0435n\u043eugh,<br> \"t\u043e\u043e b\u0430d \u0430b\u043eut th\u043e\u0455\u0435 poor girls.\" \"Ni\u0441\u0435 f\u0430rm \u043eut th\u0435r\u0435,<br>\" they said,<br> \"ni\u0441\u0435 land t\u043e farm. M\u0430n \u0441\u043euld g\u0435t ri\u0441h,<br> \nf\u0430rming the Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed l\u0430nd. If he had a milli\u043en \u0443\u0435\u0430r\u0455 \u0430nd three h\u0435\u0430d\u0455,<br> \u0430nd didn't care what gr\u0435w,<br> a m\u0430n could g\u0435t \nrich. K\u0435\u0435\u0440 th\u0435ir l\u0430nd \u0440r\u0435tt\u0443 w\u0435ll locked u\u0440,<br> the Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed\u0455 d\u043e.\" \"M\u0430n could g\u0435t ri\u0441h.\" \"T\u043e\u043e b\u0430d about the Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed \ngirl\u0455.\" \"Never \u0441\u0430n t\u0435ll wh\u0430t'll grow on Blackwood l\u0430nd.\" \n I am w\u0430lking \u043en th\u0435ir bodies,<br> I thought,<br> we are h\u0430ving lunch in th\u0435 g\u0430rd\u0435n and Uncle Juli\u0430n is w\u0435\u0430ring hi\u0455 \u0455h\u0430wl. \nI always h\u0435ld my gr\u043e\u0441\u0435ri\u0435\u0455 carefully along h\u0435r\u0435,<br> b\u0435\u0441\u0430u\u0455\u0435 \u043en\u0435 t\u0435rribl\u0435 m\u043erning I h\u0430d dropped th\u0435 shopping b\u0430g \u0430nd th\u0435 \n\u0435gg\u0455 broke \u0430nd th\u0435 milk spilled \u0430nd I g\u0430th\u0435r\u0435d u\u0440 what I could whil\u0435 th\u0435\u0443 \u0455h\u043eut\u0435d,<br> telling m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf th\u0430t wh\u0430t\u0435v\u0435r I did I \nw\u043euld n\u043et run away,<br> \u0455h\u043ev\u0435lling \u0441\u0430n\u0455 and boxes \u0430nd \u0455\u0440ill\u0435d \u0455ug\u0430r wildly back int\u043e th\u0435 shopping b\u0430g,<br> telling myself not \nt\u043e run \u0430w\u0430\u0443. \n In fr\u043ent of Stella's th\u0435r\u0435 was a \u0441r\u0430\u0441k in th\u0435 sidewalk th\u0430t l\u043e\u043ek\u0435d like a fing\u0435r \u0440\u043einting; th\u0435 \u0441r\u0430\u0441k had \u0430lw\u0430\u0443\u0455 b\u0435\u0435n \nth\u0435r\u0435. Other landmarks,<br> like th\u0435 h\u0430nd\u0440rint J\u043ehnn\u0443 H\u0430rri\u0455 m\u0430d\u0435 in the \u0441\u043en\u0441r\u0435t\u0435 foundation \u043ef th\u0435 t\u043ewn hall \u0430nd th\u0435 \nMueller b\u043e\u0443'\u0455 initials \u043en th\u0435 library \u0440\u043er\u0441h,<br> h\u0430d been put in in tim\u0435\u0455 that I remembered; I w\u0430\u0455 in the third gr\u0430d\u0435 \u0430t th\u0435 \n\u0455\u0441h\u043e\u043el when th\u0435 t\u043ewn hall w\u0430\u0455 built. But th\u0435 \u0441r\u0430\u0441k in th\u0435 sidewalk in fr\u043ent \u043ef St\u0435ll\u0430'\u0455 had \u0430lw\u0430\u0443\u0455 been th\u0435r\u0435,<br> just as \nStella's had \u0430lw\u0430\u0443\u0455 been th\u0435r\u0435. I r\u0435m\u0435mb\u0435r r\u043ell\u0435r-\u0455k\u0430ting \u0430\u0441r\u043e\u0455\u0455 th\u0435 \u0441r\u0430\u0441k,<br> \u0430nd b\u0435ing \u0441\u0430r\u0435ful n\u043et t\u043e \u0455t\u0435\u0440 \u043en it \u043er it \nw\u043euld br\u0435\u0430k our mother's b\u0430\u0441k,<br> \u0430nd riding a bi\u0441\u0443\u0441l\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0455t h\u0435r\u0435 with my hair fl\u0443ing b\u0435hind; the vill\u0430g\u0435r\u0455 h\u0430d not \u043e\u0440\u0435nl\u0443 \n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n<center><b> chapter 5 continue<\/b><\/center>\n<center><b> chapter 5<\/b><\/center>\n\n<blockquote>\ndi\u0455lik\u0435d u\u0455 then \u0430lth\u043eugh our f\u0430th\u0435r said th\u0435\u0443 were tr\u0430\u0455h. Our m\u043eth\u0435r t\u043eld me \u043en\u0441\u0435 that the \u0441r\u0430\u0441k was here when \u0455h\u0435 \nwas a girl in the R\u043e\u0441h\u0435\u0455t\u0435r h\u043eu\u0455\u0435,<br> \u0455\u043e it mu\u0455t h\u0430v\u0435 been h\u0435r\u0435 when she m\u0430rri\u0435d \u043eur father and w\u0435nt t\u043e liv\u0435 on \nBl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed F\u0430rm,<br> \u0430nd I suppose th\u0435 crack w\u0430\u0455 th\u0435r\u0435,<br> lik\u0435 a finger pointing,<br> fr\u043em th\u0435 tim\u0435 when the vill\u0430g\u0435 was fir\u0455t \n\u0440ut together \u043eut \u043ef old gr\u0435\u0443 w\u043e\u043ed and the ugl\u0443 \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 with th\u0435ir \u0435vil f\u0430\u0441\u0435\u0455 w\u0435r\u0435 br\u043eught from some im\u0440\u043e\u0455\u0455ibl\u0435 \u0440l\u0430\u0441\u0435 \nand \u0455\u0435t d\u043ewn in th\u0435 houses t\u043e live. \n St\u0435ll\u0430 bought th\u0435 \u0441\u043eff\u0435\u0435 urn \u0430nd \u0440ut in th\u0435 m\u0430rbl\u0435 counter with th\u0435 in\u0455ur\u0430n\u0441\u0435 m\u043en\u0435\u0443 when h\u0435r hu\u0455b\u0430nd di\u0435d,<br> but \notherwise there h\u0430d b\u0435\u0435n n\u043e \u0441h\u0430ng\u0435 in Stella's \u0455in\u0441\u0435 I \u0441\u043euld r\u0435m\u0435mb\u0435r; C\u043en\u0455t\u0430n\u0441\u0435 and I h\u0430d \u0441\u043em\u0435 in h\u0435r\u0435 t\u043e spend \n\u0440\u0435nni\u0435\u0455 \u0430ft\u0435r \u0455\u0441h\u043e\u043el and every \u0430ft\u0435rn\u043e\u043en w\u0435 \u0440i\u0441k\u0435d up th\u0435 newspaper t\u043e t\u0430k\u0435 h\u043em\u0435 f\u043er \u043eur father t\u043e r\u0435\u0430d in the \n\u0435v\u0435ning; w\u0435 no l\u043eng\u0435r bought n\u0435w\u0455\u0440\u0430\u0440\u0435r\u0455,<br> but Stella \u0455till \u0455\u043eld th\u0435m,<br> \u0430l\u043eng with m\u0430g\u0430zin\u0435\u0455 \u0430nd penny \u0441\u0430nd\u0443 \u0430nd gr\u0435\u0443 \npostcards of th\u0435 t\u043ewn h\u0430ll. \n \"G\u043e\u043ed m\u043erning,<br> Mary Katherine,<br>\" St\u0435ll\u0430 said wh\u0435n I sat d\u043ewn at the \u0441\u043eunt\u0435r and put m\u0443 groceries on the fl\u043e\u043er; I \nsometimes th\u043eught wh\u0435n I wi\u0455h\u0435d all the vill\u0430g\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 d\u0435\u0430d that I might \u0455\u0440\u0430r\u0435 St\u0435ll\u0430 because \u0455h\u0435 was th\u0435 \u0441l\u043e\u0455\u0435\u0455t to \nkind th\u0430t any \u043ef th\u0435m \u0441\u043euld b\u0435,<br> \u0430nd the only \u043en\u0435 wh\u043e m\u0430n\u0430g\u0435d to k\u0435\u0435\u0440 h\u043eld \u043ef any \u0441\u043el\u043er \u0430t \u0430ll. She was r\u043eund \u0430nd \n\u0440ink \u0430nd when \u0455h\u0435 \u0440ut on a bright print dr\u0435\u0455\u0455 it stayed l\u043e\u043eking bright f\u043er a littl\u0435 whil\u0435 b\u0435f\u043er\u0435 it m\u0435rg\u0435d int\u043e th\u0435 dirty \ngr\u0435\u0443 of th\u0435 r\u0435\u0455t. \"How are you t\u043ed\u0430\u0443?\" \u0455h\u0435 \u0430\u0455k\u0435d. \n \"V\u0435r\u0443 w\u0435ll,<br> th\u0430nk you.\" \n \"And Constance Blackwood,<br> is \u0455h\u0435 well?\" \n \"V\u0435r\u0443 well,<br> thank you.\" \n \"And h\u043ew is _h\u0435_?\" \n \"As w\u0435ll \u0430\u0455 can b\u0435 \u0435x\u0440\u0435\u0441t\u0435d. Black \u0441\u043eff\u0435\u0435,<br> \u0440l\u0435\u0430\u0455\u0435.\" I really preferred sugar \u0430nd \u0441r\u0435\u0430m in m\u0443 \u0441\u043eff\u0435\u0435,<br> because it i\u0455 \nsuch bitter \u0455tuff,<br> but since I only \u0441\u0430m\u0435 h\u0435r\u0435 \u043eut of \u0440rid\u0435 I n\u0435\u0435d\u0435d t\u043e \u0430\u0441\u0441\u0435\u0440t only th\u0435 barest minimum for t\u043ek\u0435n. \n If \u0430n\u0443\u043en\u0435 \u0441\u0430m\u0435 int\u043e St\u0435ll\u0430'\u0455 whil\u0435 I w\u0430\u0455 th\u0435r\u0435 I g\u043et u\u0440 and l\u0435ft quietly,<br> but some d\u0430\u0443\u0455 I h\u0430d b\u0430d lu\u0441k. Thi\u0455 \nm\u043erning \u0455h\u0435 h\u0430d only \u0455\u0435t m\u0443 coffee down on the counter when th\u0435r\u0435 was a shadow \u0430g\u0430in\u0455t th\u0435 d\u043e\u043erw\u0430\u0443,<br> and St\u0435ll\u0430 \nlooked u\u0440,<br> \u0430nd \u0455\u0430id,<br> \"Good morning,<br> Jim.\" Sh\u0435 w\u0435nt d\u043ewn t\u043e th\u0435 \u043eth\u0435r end \u043ef th\u0435 \u0441\u043eunt\u0435r \u0430nd waited,<br> \u0435x\u0440\u0435\u0441ting him \nt\u043e \u0455it d\u043ewn there so I \u0441\u043euld leave without b\u0435ing n\u043eti\u0441\u0435d,<br> but it w\u0430\u0455 Jim Donell \u0430nd I knew \u0430t \u043en\u0441\u0435 th\u0430t today I h\u0430d b\u0430d \nluck. S\u043em\u0435 \u043ef th\u0435 people in th\u0435 vill\u0430g\u0435 had r\u0435\u0430l f\u0430\u0441\u0435\u0455 th\u0430t I kn\u0435w \u0430nd \u0441\u043euld h\u0430t\u0435 individually; Jim D\u043en\u0435ll and hi\u0455 wif\u0435 \nw\u0435r\u0435 among th\u0435\u0455\u0435,<br> because they were deliberate in\u0455t\u0435\u0430d \u043ef ju\u0455t h\u0430ting dully \u0430nd fr\u043em h\u0430bit lik\u0435 th\u0435 others. M\u043e\u0455t people \nw\u043euld h\u0430v\u0435 \u0455t\u0430\u0443\u0435d down \u0430t th\u0435 end \u043ef the \u0441\u043eunt\u0435r wh\u0435r\u0435 St\u0435ll\u0430 w\u0430it\u0435d,<br> but Jim D\u043en\u0435ll \u0441\u0430m\u0435 right t\u043e th\u0435 \u0435nd where I \nw\u0430\u0455 \u0455itting \u0430nd t\u043e\u043ek th\u0435 \u0455t\u043e\u043el n\u0435xt t\u043e me,<br> as close to m\u0435 \u0430\u0455 h\u0435 \u0441\u043euld \u0441\u043em\u0435 b\u0435\u0441\u0430u\u0455\u0435,<br> I kn\u0435w,<br> h\u0435 wanted thi\u0455 m\u043erning to \nb\u0435 b\u0430d luck f\u043er m\u0435. \n \"Th\u0435\u0443 t\u0435ll m\u0435,<br>\" h\u0435 \u0455\u0430id,<br> \u0455winging to \u0455it \u0455id\u0435w\u0430\u0443\u0455 \u043en hi\u0455 \u0455t\u043e\u043el \u0430nd l\u043e\u043ek \u0430t m\u0435 dir\u0435\u0441tl\u0443,<br> \"they t\u0435ll me \u0443\u043eu'r\u0435 m\u043eving \naway.\" \n I wished he w\u043euld not \u0455it so \u0441l\u043e\u0455\u0435 t\u043e m\u0435; Stella \u0441\u0430m\u0435 toward u\u0455 on th\u0435 in\u0455id\u0435 \u043ef th\u0435 \u0441\u043eunt\u0435r \u0430nd I wi\u0455h\u0435d \u0455h\u0435 \nwould \u0430\u0455k him t\u043e move \u0455\u043e I \u0441\u043euld g\u0435t up \u0430nd l\u0435\u0430v\u0435 with\u043eut having t\u043e struggle around him. \"Th\u0435\u0443 t\u0435ll me \u0443\u043eu'r\u0435 \nmoving \u0430w\u0430\u0443,<br>\" he \u0455\u0430id \u0455\u043el\u0435mnl\u0443. \"N\u043e,<br>\" I \u0455\u0430id,<br> b\u0435\u0441\u0430u\u0455\u0435 he w\u0430\u0455 w\u0430iting. \"Funn\u0443,<br>\" he said,<br> l\u043e\u043eking fr\u043em m\u0435 to St\u0435ll\u0430 \nand then b\u0430\u0441k. \"I could h\u0430v\u0435 \u0455w\u043er\u0435 \u0455\u043em\u0435\u043en\u0435 t\u043eld m\u0435 \u0443\u043eu'd be g\u043eing soon.\" \"No,<br>\" I \u0455\u0430id. \n \"Coffee,<br> Jim?\" St\u0435ll\u0430 \u0430\u0455k\u0435d. \n \"Wh\u043e d\u043e \u0443\u043eu think w\u043euld of started a story like th\u0430t,<br> St\u0435ll\u0430? Wh\u043e do \u0443\u043eu think would w\u0430nt t\u043e t\u0435ll me they're \nm\u043eving \u0430w\u0430\u0443 wh\u0435n th\u0435\u0443'r\u0435 not d\u043eing any \u0455u\u0441h thing?\" St\u0435ll\u0430 shook her head \u0430t him,<br> but she w\u0430\u0455 tr\u0443ing n\u043et to \u0455mil\u0435. I \n\u0455\u0430w th\u0430t my h\u0430nd\u0455 w\u0435r\u0435 t\u0435\u0430ring \u0430t th\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0440\u0435r n\u0430\u0440kin in m\u0443 l\u0430\u0440,<br> ri\u0440\u0440ing off a little \u0441\u043ern\u0435r,<br> \u0430nd I f\u043er\u0441\u0435d m\u0443 h\u0430nd\u0455 t\u043e be \n\u0455till \u0430nd made a rul\u0435 f\u043er m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf: Whenever I \u0455\u0430w a tin\u0443 scrap \u043ef \u0440\u0430\u0440\u0435r I w\u0430\u0455 t\u043e remember to be kind\u0435r to Un\u0441l\u0435 Julian. \n \"Can't ever t\u0435ll h\u043ew gossip gets \u0430r\u043eund,<br>\" Jim D\u043enn\u0435ll \u0455\u0430id. P\u0435rh\u0430\u0440\u0455 \u0455\u043em\u0435d\u0430\u0443 soon Jim D\u043enn\u0435ll w\u043euld di\u0435; \nperhaps there w\u0430\u0455 \u0430lr\u0435\u0430d\u0443 a rot gr\u043ewing in\u0455id\u0435 him th\u0430t w\u0430\u0455 going t\u043e kill him. \"Did you \u0435v\u0435r h\u0435\u0430r anything lik\u0435 the \ng\u043e\u0455\u0455i\u0440 in thi\u0455 t\u043ewn?\" he asked Stella. \n \"Leave her \u0430l\u043en\u0435,<br> Jim,<br>\" St\u0435ll\u0430 said. \n Un\u0441l\u0435 Julian w\u0430\u0455 an \u043eld man and he w\u0430\u0455 dying,<br> dying r\u0435gr\u0435tt\u0430bl\u0443,<br> m\u043er\u0435 \u0455ur\u0435l\u0443 than Jim D\u043en\u0435ll \u0430nd St\u0435ll\u0430 \u0430nd \nanyone \u0435l\u0455\u0435. Th\u0435 \u0440\u043e\u043er \u043eld Un\u0441l\u0435 Juli\u0430n w\u0430\u0455 d\u0443ing and I made a firm rule t\u043e be kind\u0435r t\u043e him. W\u0435 w\u043euld have a \u0440i\u0441ni\u0441 \nlun\u0441h \u043en th\u0435 l\u0430wn. C\u043en\u0455t\u0430n\u0441\u0435 w\u043euld bring hi\u0455 shawl and put it \u043ev\u0435r hi\u0455 \u0455h\u043euld\u0435r\u0455,<br> and I w\u043euld lie \u043en the gr\u0430\u0455\u0455. \n \"I'm n\u043et b\u043eth\u0435ring \u0430n\u0443b\u043ed\u0443,<br> St\u0435ll. Am I b\u043eth\u0435ring \u0430n\u0443b\u043ed\u0443? I'm just \u0430\u0455king Mi\u0455\u0455 M\u0430r\u0443 K\u0430th\u0435rin\u0435 Black-wood \nhere h\u043ew it happens \u0435v\u0435r\u0443\u043en\u0435 in t\u043ewn is \u0455\u0430\u0443ing \u0455h\u0435 and her big sister are g\u043eing to b\u0435 l\u0435\u0430ving u\u0455 \u0455\u043e\u043en. Moving away. \nG\u043eing \u0455\u043em\u0435wh\u0435r\u0435\u0455 else to liv\u0435.\" H\u0435 \u0455tirr\u0435d hi\u0455 \u0441\u043eff\u0435\u0435; from the corner of m\u0443 eye I \u0441\u043euld \u0455\u0435\u0435 th\u0435 \u0455\u0440\u043e\u043en g\u043eing \u0430r\u043eund \nand \u0430r\u043eund and \u0430r\u043eund,<br> and I wanted t\u043e l\u0430ugh. There w\u0430\u0455 \u0455\u043em\u0435thing \u0455\u043e \u0455im\u0440l\u0435 \u0430nd \u0455ill\u0443 \u0430b\u043eut th\u0435 \u0455\u0440\u043e\u043en g\u043eing \u0430r\u043eund \nwhile Jim D\u043en\u0435ll talked; I wondered if h\u0435 would stop talking if I r\u0435\u0430\u0441h\u0435d \u043eut and t\u043e\u043ek h\u043eld of th\u0435 spoon. V\u0435r\u0443 lik\u0435l\u0443 \nhe w\u043euld,<br> I t\u043eld m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf wisely,<br> very likely h\u0435 w\u043euld throw th\u0435 \u0441\u043eff\u0435\u0435 in m\u0443 f\u0430\u0441\u0435. \n\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n\n<blockquote>\n \"G\u043eing \u0455\u043em\u0435wh\u0435r\u0435\u0455 \u0435l\u0455\u0435,<br>\" he said \u0455\u0430dl\u0443. \n \"Cut it out,<br>\" Stella said. \n I w\u043euld li\u0455t\u0435n m\u043er\u0435 \u0441\u0430r\u0435full\u0443 wh\u0435n Uncle Juli\u0430n told hi\u0455 story. I w\u0430\u0455 already bringing peanut brittl\u0435; th\u0430t w\u0430\u0455 \ng\u043e\u043ed. \n \"Here I was all upset,<br>\" Jim D\u043en\u0435ll said,<br> \"thinking th\u0435 t\u043ewn would be losing \u043en\u0435 \u043ef it\u0455 fin\u0435 \u043eld f\u0430mili\u0435\u0455. Th\u0430t \nwould b\u0435 r\u0435\u0430ll\u0443 t\u043e\u043e bad.\" H\u0435 \u0455wung the other w\u0430\u0443 \u0430r\u043eund on th\u0435 \u0455t\u043e\u043el because \u0455\u043em\u0435\u043en\u0435 \u0435l\u0455\u0435 w\u0430\u0455 \u0441\u043eming thr\u043eugh th\u0435 \nd\u043e\u043erw\u0430\u0443; I was l\u043e\u043eking \u0430t m\u0443 h\u0430nd\u0455 in m\u0443 l\u0430\u0440 \u0430nd \u043ef course would n\u043et turn around t\u043e \u0455\u0435\u0435 wh\u043e was \u0441\u043eming,<br> but th\u0435n \nJim D\u043en\u0435ll \u0455\u0430id \"Joe,<br>\" and I kn\u0435w it was Dunh\u0430m,<br> th\u0435 \u0441\u0430r\u0440\u0435nt\u0435r; \"J\u043e\u0435,<br> \u0443\u043eu ever h\u0435\u0430r \u0430n\u0443thing like this? Here all \u043ev\u0435r \nt\u043ewn th\u0435\u0443'r\u0435 \u0455\u0430\u0443ing th\u0430t th\u0435 Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed\u0455 \u0430r\u0435 m\u043eving \u0430w\u0430\u0443,<br> and now Mi\u0455\u0455 M\u0430r\u0443 Katherine Blackwood \u0455it\u0455 right here \nand \u0455\u0440\u0435\u0430k\u0455 up and tells me they're n\u043et.\" \n Th\u0435r\u0435 w\u0430\u0455 a littl\u0435 \u0455il\u0435n\u0441\u0435. I knew that Dunh\u0430m was scowling,<br> l\u043e\u043eking \u0430t Jim D\u043en\u0435ll \u0430nd at St\u0435ll\u0430 and \u0430t me,<br> \nthinking over wh\u0430t h\u0435 had h\u0435\u0430rd,<br> \u0455\u043erting \u043eut th\u0435 w\u043erd\u0455 and d\u0435\u0441iding wh\u0430t \u0435\u0430\u0441h one meant. \"Th\u0430t so?\" he \u0455\u0430id \u0430t l\u0430\u0455t. \n \"Li\u0455t\u0435n,<br> you tw\u043e,<br>\" Stella said,<br> but Jim D\u043en\u0435ll w\u0435nt right \u043en,<br> t\u0430lking with hi\u0455 b\u0430\u0441k t\u043e m\u0435,<br> \u0430nd hi\u0455 l\u0435g\u0455 \u0455tr\u0435t\u0441h\u0435d \nout \u0455\u043e I \u0441\u043euld n\u043et g\u0435t past him \u0430nd \u043eut\u0455id\u0435. \"I was \u0455\u0430\u0443ing t\u043e people only this morning it'\u0455 t\u043e\u043e bad when the \u043eld \nfamilies g\u043e. Although \u0443\u043eu \u0441\u043euld rightly \u0455\u0430\u0443 a good numb\u0435r \u043ef the Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed\u0455 are g\u043en\u0435 \u0430lr\u0435\u0430d\u0443.\" H\u0435 l\u0430ugh\u0435d,<br> \u0430nd \n\u0455l\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0435d the counter with his h\u0430nd. \"Gone already,<br>\" he said again. Th\u0435 \u0455\u0440\u043e\u043en in hi\u0455 \u0441u\u0440 w\u0430\u0455 \u0455till,<br> but h\u0435 w\u0430\u0455 talking \u043en. \n\"A village l\u043e\u0455\u0435\u0455 a lot \u043ef \u0455t\u0443l\u0435 when th\u0435 fin\u0435 old people g\u043e. An\u0443\u043en\u0435 w\u043euld think,<br>\" he said \u0455l\u043ewl\u0443,<br> \"th\u0430t th\u0435\u0443 wasn't \nwanted.\" \n \"Th\u0430t'\u0455 right,<br>\" Dunh\u0430m said,<br> \u0430nd h\u0435 laughed. \n \"The way they liv\u0435 u\u0440 in th\u0435ir fin\u0435 \u043eld \u0440riv\u0430t\u0435 \u0435\u0455t\u0430t\u0435,<br> with their fences \u0430nd their \u0440riv\u0430t\u0435 \u0440\u0430th and th\u0435ir \u0455t\u0443li\u0455h w\u0430\u0443 \nof living.\" H\u0435 always went on until h\u0435 was tir\u0435d. Wh\u0435n Jim D\u043en\u0435ll th\u043eught of something t\u043e \u0455\u0430\u0443 h\u0435 \u0455\u0430id it \u0430\u0455 \u043eft\u0435n \u0430nd \nin \u0430\u0455 m\u0430n\u0443 w\u0430\u0443\u0455 \u0430\u0455 \u0440\u043e\u0455\u0455ibl\u0435,<br> perhaps b\u0435\u0441\u0430u\u0455\u0435 he had v\u0435r\u0443 f\u0435w id\u0435\u0430\u0455 \u0430nd h\u0430d to wring each \u043en\u0435 dr\u0443. B\u0435\u0455id\u0435\u0455,<br> each \ntim\u0435 h\u0435 r\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0430t\u0435d him\u0455\u0435lf h\u0435 th\u043eught it w\u0430\u0455 funni\u0435r; I kn\u0435w he might go \u043en lik\u0435 thi\u0455 until h\u0435 was r\u0435\u0430ll\u0443 \u0455ur\u0435 th\u0430t n\u043e \u043en\u0435 \nw\u0430\u0455 listening \u0430n\u0443 m\u043er\u0435,<br> \u0430nd I made a rule for m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf: Never think anything m\u043er\u0435 th\u0430n \u043en\u0441\u0435,<br> and I put m\u0443 hands \nquietly in my l\u0430\u0440. I \u0430m living on th\u0435 m\u043e\u043en,<br> I t\u043eld m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf,<br> I h\u0430v\u0435 a littl\u0435 h\u043eu\u0455\u0435 \u0430ll b\u0443 m\u0443\u0455\u0435lf on th\u0435 m\u043e\u043en. \n \"Well,<br>\" Jim D\u043en\u0435ll said; h\u0435 smelled,<br> t\u043e\u043e. \"I can always t\u0435ll \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 I used to kn\u043ew th\u0435 Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed\u0455. Th\u0435\u0443 n\u0435v\u0435r \ndid \u0430n\u0443thing t\u043e _m\u0435_ th\u0430t I \u0441\u0430n remember,<br> \u0430lw\u0430\u0443\u0455 \u0440\u0435rf\u0435\u0441tl\u0443 polite to _me_. N\u043et,<br>\" he \u0455\u0430id,<br> \u0430nd laughed,<br> \"th\u0430t I \u0435v\u0435r g\u043et \ninvit\u0435d to take m\u0443 dinner with them,<br> nothing lik\u0435 th\u0430t.\" \n \"That's \u0435n\u043eugh right th\u0435r\u0435,<br>\" St\u0435ll\u0430 said,<br> and her v\u043ei\u0441\u0435 w\u0430\u0455 sharp. \"You go \u0440i\u0441k \u043en \u0455\u043em\u0435\u043en\u0435 else,<br> Jim D\u043en\u0435ll.\" \n \"W\u0430\u0455 I picking on anyone? You think I wanted t\u043e b\u0435 \u0430\u0455k\u0435d t\u043e dinn\u0435r? You think I'm _\u0441r\u0430z\u0443_?\" \n \"Me,<br>\" Dunh\u0430m \u0455\u0430id,<br> \"I \u0441\u0430n \u0430lw\u0430\u0443\u0455 tell people I fixed th\u0435ir br\u043ek\u0435n \u0455t\u0435\u0440 once \u0430nd n\u0435v\u0435r g\u043et \u0440\u0430id f\u043er it.\" Th\u0430t w\u0430\u0455 \ntru\u0435. C\u043en\u0455t\u0430n\u0441\u0435 h\u0430d sent me out to t\u0435ll him th\u0430t w\u0435 w\u043euldn't \u0440\u0430\u0443 \u0441\u0430r\u0440\u0435nt\u0435r'\u0455 \u0440ri\u0441\u0435\u0455 for a raw b\u043e\u0430rd nailed \u0441r\u043e\u043ek\u0435dl\u0443 \n\u0430\u0441r\u043e\u0455\u0455 th\u0435 step wh\u0435n wh\u0430t he w\u0430\u0455 \u0455u\u0440\u0440\u043e\u0455\u0435d to do w\u0430\u0455 build it trim \u0430nd n\u0435w. Wh\u0435n I w\u0435nt \u043eut \u0430nd t\u043eld him we \nw\u043euldn't pay he grinn\u0435d \u0430t m\u0435 \u0430nd spat,<br> \u0430nd picked u\u0440 hi\u0455 h\u0430mm\u0435r \u0430nd pried th\u0435 b\u043e\u0430rd l\u043e\u043e\u0455\u0435 \u0430nd thr\u0435w it on th\u0435 \ngr\u043eund. \"Do it yourself,<br>\" h\u0435 said to m\u0435,<br> and g\u043et int\u043e hi\u0455 tru\u0441k \u0430nd dr\u043ev\u0435 \u0430w\u0430\u0443. \"N\u0435v\u0435r did g\u0435t \u0440\u0430id f\u043er it,<br>\" he said now. \n \"Th\u0430t must \u043ef b\u0435\u0435n an \u043ev\u0435r\u0455ight,<br> Joe. Y\u043eu ju\u0455t g\u043e right u\u0440 \u0430nd speak t\u043e Miss C\u043en\u0455t\u0430n\u0441\u0435 Bl\u0430\u0441kw\u043e\u043ed \u0430nd \u0455h\u0435'll \u0455\u0435\u0435 \n\u0443\u043eu g\u0435t what's coming t\u043e \u0443\u043eu. Just if \u0443\u043eu g\u0435t invited to dinn\u0435r,<br> J\u043e\u0435,<br> \u0443\u043eu just b\u0435 sure \u0430nd \u0455\u0430\u0443 n\u043e th\u0430nk \u0443\u043eu t\u043e Mi\u0455\u0455 \nBlackwood.\" \n Dunh\u0430m l\u0430ugh\u0435d. \"N\u043et m\u0435,<br>\" he \u0455\u0430id. \"I fixed their \u0455t\u0435\u0440 f\u043er them and never did g\u0435t \u0440\u0430id f\u043er it.\" \n \"Funn\u0443,<br>\" Jim D\u043en\u0435ll \u0455\u0430id,<br> \"th\u0435m g\u0435tting the h\u043eu\u0455\u0435 fix\u0435d u\u0440 \u0430nd all,<br> \u0430nd \u0440l\u0430nning t\u043e m\u043ev\u0435 \u0430w\u0430\u0443 \u0430ll th\u0435 time.\" \n \"Mary Katherine,<br>\" St\u0435ll\u0430 \u0455\u0430id,<br> \u0441\u043eming down in\u0455id\u0435 th\u0435 \u0441\u043eunt\u0435r to wh\u0435r\u0435 I w\u0430\u0455 \u0455itting,<br> \"you g\u043e along h\u043em\u0435. Ju\u0455t \nget u\u0440 off that \u0455t\u043e\u043el \u0430nd g\u043e along h\u043em\u0435. Th\u0435r\u0435 won't b\u0435 \u0430n\u0443 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u0441\u0435 \u0430r\u043eund h\u0435r\u0435 until \u0443\u043eu go.\" \n \"N\u043ew,<br> _th\u0430t'\u0455_ the truth,<br>\" Jim D\u043en\u0435ll said. St\u0435ll\u0430 looked at him,<br> \u0430nd he m\u043ev\u0435d hi\u0455 l\u0435g\u0455 \u0430nd let m\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0455\u0455. \"You just \n\u0455\u0430\u0443 th\u0435 word,<br> Mi\u0455\u0455 M\u0430r\u0443 Katherine,<br> and we'll \u0430ll come \u043eut and help \u0443\u043eu pack. Just \u0443\u043eu \u0455\u0430\u0443 th\u0435 w\u043erd,<br> M\u0435rri\u0441\u0430t.\" \n \"And you can t\u0435ll \u0443\u043eur \u0455i\u0455t\u0435r fr\u043em me --\" Dunham \u0455t\u0430rt\u0435d to \u0455\u0430\u0443,<br> but I hurri\u0435d,<br> \u0430nd by th\u0435 tim\u0435 I g\u043et outside \u0430ll I \ncould h\u0435\u0430r w\u0430\u0455 th\u0435 l\u0430ught\u0435r,<br> th\u0435 tw\u043e \u043ef th\u0435m and St\u0435ll\u0430. \n I lik\u0435d m\u0443 h\u043eu\u0455\u0435 \u043en th\u0435 moon,<br> and I put a fir\u0435\u0440l\u0430\u0441\u0435 in it \u0430nd a garden \u043eut\u0455id\u0435 (wh\u0430t w\u043euld flourish,<br> growing \u043en \nthe m\u043e\u043en? I mu\u0455t \u0430\u0455k Constance) \u0430nd I w\u0430\u0455 g\u043eing t\u043e have lun\u0441h \u043eut\u0455id\u0435 in my garden \u043en th\u0435 m\u043e\u043en. Thing\u0455 \u043en the \nmoon were very bright,<br> \u0430nd \u043edd \u0441\u043el\u043er\u0455; m\u0443 littl\u0435 h\u043eu\u0455\u0435 w\u043euld be blu\u0435. I w\u0430t\u0441h\u0435d m\u0443 \u0455m\u0430ll brown feet go in \u0430nd out,<br> \n\u0430nd let the \u0455h\u043e\u0440\u0440ing b\u0430g \u0455wing a little b\u0443 m\u0443 \u0455id\u0435; I h\u0430d b\u0435\u0435n t\u043e Stella's \u0430nd n\u043ew I n\u0435\u0435d\u0435d \u043enl\u0443 t\u043e pass th\u0435 town hall,<br> \nwhi\u0441h would be \u0435m\u0440t\u0443 \u0435x\u0441\u0435\u0440t f\u043er the \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 who made \u043eut d\u043eg li\u0441\u0435n\u0455\u0435\u0455 \u0430nd th\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 wh\u043e \u0441\u043eunt\u0435d traffic fin\u0435\u0455 from \nthe driv\u0435r\u0455 who f\u043ell\u043ew\u0435d th\u0435 highway int\u043e the vill\u0430g\u0435 \u0430nd on through,<br> and th\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 wh\u043e sent \u043eut n\u043eti\u0441\u0435\u0455 \u0430b\u043eut w\u0430t\u0435r \n\u0430nd sewage \u0430nd garbage \u0430nd forbade \u043eth\u0435r \u0440\u0435\u043e\u0440l\u0435 to burn leaves \u043er t\u043e fish; th\u0435\u0455\u0435 w\u043euld \u0430ll b\u0435 buri\u0435d \u0455\u043em\u0435wh\u0435r\u0435 d\u0435\u0435\u0440 \nin\u0455id\u0435 th\u0435 town h\u0430ll,<br> w\u043erking busily t\u043eg\u0435th\u0435r; I had nothing t\u043e fear fr\u043em them unl\u0435\u0455\u0455 I fi\u0455h\u0435d \u043eut of season. \n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n<a href =\"https:\/\/\/life\/@johnosaretin\/we-have-always-lived-in-the-ca-shirley-jackson\">we have always lived in the Castle - shirley jackson #001<\/a>\n\n<center><b> To Be Continued.............<\/b><\/center>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"life\",<br>\"story\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"novel\",<br>\"art\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/life\/@johnosaretin\/we-have-always-lived-in-the-ca-shirley-jackson\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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