Transaction: ddd34277f30332138e59b8756274937ef06d1d7b

Included in block 35,177,772 at 2019/08/01 17:10:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id ddd34277f30332138e59b8756274937ef06d1d7b
ref_block_num 50,459
ref_block_prefix 4,047,174,142
transaction_num 58
signatures 200aaab91f6b37691922e2955c5552950c7ced278ee6e48fdf0eaaf00dc0e8cfc85877d92fc0d1b7684ce4eb511d53ab4b6748d0defdd76038beb0d0f3587e7407
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"writing",<br>"author":"novus-locus",<br>"permlink":"the-write-time-religious-stupidity",<br>"title":"The Write Time: \u201cReligious Stupidity\u201d",<br>"body":"*this poem is more of a train of thought in the way it was written- a slowly and carefully driven train,<br> in order to maintain some rhyming*...this read will also get ya high so i hope you have snacks. \nOk so,<br> there\u2019s divinity- no one cares,<br> so stupidity...there\u2019s below zero to infinity- No one knows *what\u2019s given* to me versus what\u2019s *limiting me* until you get through the thick of it,<br> you\u2019ll see. \n![3871BAC0-4639-4A97-A9EB-759BBF3B1E5A.jpeg (https:\/\/\/DQmVBLNFjsGyNDh9pgJi2GKNJQRAoGGxifDiHT3vuuRDheD\/3871BAC0-4639-4A97-A9EB-759BBF3B1E5A.jpeg)\nUngodly transparency demands prophets who see farther than we- planting the seeds of clemency,<br> every god dam hierarchy- They don\u2019t say Yahweh & He can\u2019t be seen-pharisees,<br> and the same for the Pharaohs you\u2019ll still see across that sea or even the Asian East with Holy Chinese dynasties- and till today Hindis immediately see babies in 1 of 4 categories- *Castes were essential* Ghandi believed..\n...Sheesh,<br> What on Earth am I ranting about in such an incoherent manner- my apologies. You must think i\u2019m a total BLOCKHEAD! Well,<br> you know who else they called a Blockhead?...That\u2019s right,<br> Voldemort. Keep it classy steemians...*Im slowly disappearing into the abyss* So evanescent...the clandestine Dr. Accident Flower",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"writing\",<br>\"religion\",<br>\"poetry\",<br>\"rhyme\",<br>\"art\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmVBLNFjsGyNDh9pgJi2GKNJQRAoGGxifDiHT3vuuRDheD\/3871BAC0-4639-4A97-A9EB-759BBF3B1E5A.jpeg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.