Transaction: db92bbcc3c160cf576ced801a7054f72ce0ab0bf

Included in block 35,177,998 at 2019/08/01 17:21:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id db92bbcc3c160cf576ced801a7054f72ce0ab0bf
ref_block_num 50,697
ref_block_prefix 7,593,409
transaction_num 19
signatures 205ba3a1d75634673355e4a9daef71d10ee68b1067739fdc70099375df0ad85dfa0d810c52adaacc848c604772a7017b321e8184cf96bba0b877602529fe83ebce
"parent_author":"inesrocks",<br>"parent_permlink":"carte-publicata-integral-pe-steemit-165-de-zile-lasemafor",<br>"author":"partiko",<br>"permlink":"re-carte-publicata-integral-pe-steemit-165-de-zile-lasemafor-20190801t172122",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Welcome to Steem inesrocks! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps,<br> we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!\n\nPartiko for Android can be downloaded [here on Google Play (http:\/\/\/2SRFIta) and the iOS version is available [here on the App Store (https:\/\/\/2PcXkSd).\n\nIf you have more questions,<br> feel free to join our [Discord channel (https:\/\/\/N7Et97G) and ask [ (https:\/\/\/,<br> we're always here to help!\n\nThank you so much for your interest!",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\": \"partiko\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.