Transaction: db1a588f326aa432b30089b94974be6a8abd72cd

Included in block 28,578,900 at 2018/12/15 07:31:48 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id db1a588f326aa432b30089b94974be6a8abd72cd
ref_block_num 5,186
ref_block_prefix 719,416,368
transaction_num 7
signatures 200264637f56e9f2fe34981b61de331a47065d1e0db8c1c4bf5f8fb340a441ecec19ab0980ab9d5c6c24b250f3603270252a3d96db9d9e93cc06aa73d0c94c03ae
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"life",<br>"author":"anroja",<br>"permlink":"f3bplcpjw",<br>"title":"What is your one and only wish in life?",<br>"body":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/q\/emrethewriter\/p357j7qjq\">View the original post on<\/a><br \/><p>My only hope in life is being able to do good to others,<br> either by sharing knowledge,<br> giving them proper care,<br> or always being able to make them smile.<\/p><p>Because I have a motto in this life to be able to make other people happy,<br> both my parents,<br> my wife,<br> my children,<br> my brothers,<br> my friends and people who just know me.<\/p><p>By doing good for them and pleasing to them,<br> it will make me happy. I will not be happy if the people around me are still miserable. I will try to help them in any way in order to reduce their suffering.<\/p><p>Because I am very sure,<br> the good that we do will get a reward that is worth it both in the world and in the hereafter. And God love those who always do good to others.<\/p>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"app\":\"musing\/1.1\",<br>\"appTags\":[\"life\",<br>\"wish\",<br>\"goals\",<br>\"vision\" ,<br>\"appCategory\":\"life\",<br>\"appTitle\":\"What is your one and only wish in life?\",<br>\"appBody\":\"<p>My only hope in life is being able to do good to others,<br> either by sharing knowledge,<br> giving them proper care,<br> or always being able to make them smile.<\/p><p>Because I have a motto in this life to be able to make other people happy,<br> both my parents,<br> my wife,<br> my children,<br> my brothers,<br> my friends and people who just know me.<\/p><p>By doing good for them and pleasing to them,<br> it will make me happy. I will not be happy if the people around me are still miserable. I will try to help them in any way in order to reduce their suffering.<\/p><p>Because I am very sure,<br> the good that we do will get a reward that is worth it both in the world and in the hereafter. And God love those who always do good to others.<\/p>\",<br>\"appDepth\":2,<br>\"appParentPermlink\":\"p357j7qjq\",<br>\"appParentAuthor\":\"emrethewriter\",<br>\"musingAppId\":\"aU2p3C3a8N\",<br>\"musingAppVersion\":\"1.1\",<br>\"musingPostType\":\"answer\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.