Transaction: da8491503eff0201d2f5e2230f16bbe92b046648

Included in block 14,672,366 at 2017/08/18 04:27:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id da8491503eff0201d2f5e2230f16bbe92b046648
ref_block_num 57,834
ref_block_prefix 80,999,341
transaction_num 7
signatures 1f5338ed9a9e6e7ee8ff59fbcccf1479c142a4efba41f809b86d8286cd1f27865c0fbaec37483bf1eb442255117e396675aa58cbf1e63be817bf1c53ecfc3241de
"parent_author":"soo.chong163",<br>"parent_permlink":"re-rieki-re-soochong163-re-rieki-imagine-a-morning-like-this-20170818t030854754z",<br>"author":"rieki",<br>"permlink":"re-soochong163-re-rieki-re-soochong163-re-rieki-imagine-a-morning-like-this-20170818t042748414z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"Tropical is quite difficult in Canada ;) My partner is Canadian and we both lived there for only 1 year. Needless to say,<br> we're in Indonesia now. We are also tropical people! I saw New Zealand to be a good safe haven and have looked into northland. We were there for several months and cultivated some powerful relationships that may sprout into a ONG being launched in NorthLand. However,<br> still only sub-tropical and not quite the full tropical I'm seeking. Indonesia is a bit rough around the edges but Bali where we are at has offered us some great environments to create our lifestyle. It's just difficult being foriegn,<br> with land and visas... Not sure why our world is still so complicated. Hopefully,<br> a bit more political instability will rectify some of these issues. We've looked into Malaysia too. They seem to have a great offering. What are your reasons for Malaysia?",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"story\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.