Transaction: d99c8ca54f81e7a42ae1e14a4888f18cb7f7c1d2

Included in block 12,898,214 at 2017/06/17 11:17:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d99c8ca54f81e7a42ae1e14a4888f18cb7f7c1d2
ref_block_num 53,154
ref_block_prefix 677,631,133
transaction_num 13
signatures 2010b00b8064c5e8195cac3eaaebe1c0a2603c3c357abd11991a5596d7e9ecbe133692f83aff29ef242785df812d51054e3479ef84923f2ffdddae5668e1d77b1c
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"christianity",<br>"author":"redeemed",<br>"permlink":"snapshots-of-my-life-part-one",<br>"title":"Snapshots of My Life: Part One",<br>"body":"![snapshots.png (https:\/\/\/DQmWU1eqSYXMLqXW4BMKZwaBinenchm8tWy5wHwYwoFB5Mf\/snapshots.png)\n\n### She sat out on the back porch of her mother\u2019s house,<br> looking out over the expansive garden. Tall grass and wildflowers swayed in the gentle breeze as warm sunlight blazed from a fluffy cloud laden sky. She reminisced over the events of the past several months,<br> in which so much had happened and so many things were set in motion by the hand of God Himself. \n\n### It was a humbling series of experiences. She wondered what the future held in store as she considered the major positive changes already occurring in her life. She finally had hope. Precious hope. And peace - true peace. And her fear of the future was replaced with eager anticipation. \n\n### \u201cJesus,<br>\u201d she breathed out the name,<br> \u201cThank You,<br> Jesus.\u201d \n\n### Suddenly there was a gust of wind that tousled her hair,<br> and her heart sped up with wonder,<br> feeling like this breeze was a response. She was starting to see God\u2019s hand in so many things. I know the Master of the Wind,<br> she thought,<br> the lyrics to a worship song springing to mind. \n\n### The sunlight seemed brighter now. The depression was gone,<br> the weight was off her shoulders. Even though there were still problems to solve and challenges to face,<br> she knew Jesus was with her,<br> and He would help her through. \n###\n\n*what you just read is a 'snapshot' from my life,<br> an event that really happened,<br> and it's part of my Testimony. More will come in the coming days as I have time to write. In the mean time,<br> thank you for reading and God bless.*",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"christianity\",<br>\"christian-trail\",<br>\"testimony\",<br>\"prose\",<br>\"religion\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmWU1eqSYXMLqXW4BMKZwaBinenchm8tWy5wHwYwoFB5Mf\/snapshots.png\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.