Transaction: d8f1518c6245d2b8c2f9f603384a2058f97d97d1

Included in block 14,672,462 at 2017/08/18 04:32:33 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d8f1518c6245d2b8c2f9f603384a2058f97d97d1
ref_block_num 57,929
ref_block_prefix 280,855,612
transaction_num 7
signatures 20275ce0160c1a8f17e3745f589b16a0b5caf89b8e8f441ca9e6a45d610cb312c3081ae4ee1f97ad7c708b3ae214814f982ca40098a87b7c8c06ab0ddf2b627079
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"anger",<br>"author":"rubysteem",<br>"permlink":"reducing-anger-in-your-life",<br>"title":"Reducing Anger In Your Life",<br>"body":"There are many people who need to reduce anger in their lives,<br> and they will do so with a bit of mindfulness. You will discover that your life is completely different when you are reducing anger,<br> and you will notice that you have many options that make you feel like a new person. You may learn to count to ten to stop your anger,<br> or you may meditate to help yourself calm down. You have choices that must be made to help your life improve,<br> and you cannot change anything unless you make the choice to change.\n\nStart to think on your anger today,<br> and you will see a difference in your life the moment you are angered the next time.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"anger\",<br>\"thinking\",<br>\"self-help\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.