Transaction: d81fc7002fa9cbdd00f8ad779111c6697592d015

Included in block 14,672,473 at 2017/08/18 04:33:06 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d81fc7002fa9cbdd00f8ad779111c6697592d015
ref_block_num 57,940
ref_block_prefix 747,731,105
transaction_num 3
signatures 2047925671fea1fd088050ffea95eb81b33691cf2ec184b474f021e0564298f7847738eace1e890e9c4186c73594fbdbea7fc82d326fdfde3b4cb0291966c932f6
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"story",<br>"author":"outrayjust",<br>"permlink":"readysetgo",<br>"title":"ReadySetGo!",<br>"body":"![IMG_5381.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmWU6swuyTKRUKF8vQkGeC4jgXVLGCcUenScheNVfXvbsQ\/IMG_5381.JPG)\n\nRemarkable results do not happen without fearless creativity. Anything worth doing,<br> any prize worth pursuing,<br> any job worth landing or company worth working for is remarkable. If it wasn't,<br> you wouldn't bother....unless it just landed on top of you mid-yawn.\n\nA friend of mine recently told me how she has always wished she was creative. And she's not the first; I hear that a lot. But let me ask you,<br> what does it really mean to be creative? \n\nCreativity is simply creating something new. Contextually. It could be as simple as a solution to a problem. It could be as breathtaking as a beautiful piece of music. Or it could be any one of an infinite number of possibilities between or around those things. Creativity happens every time you imagine something a little differently that what's before your eyes. \n\nIt's a myth that creativity is exclusively the stuff of pure,<br> unmitigated,<br> epic genius. You are surrounded by tiny random acts of creativity everyday,<br> many of which you're responsible for. \n\nWe are creative creatures. We are also self deprecating and censoring creatures. And when we're not doing it to ourselves,<br> we are often far too willing to allow others to squelch our creativity. Think about it,<br> \"my boss won't let me\" is a great excuse not to express your creativity! \n\nThat's where the fearlessness comes in. And here's the super scary part: you will fail. You will fail more often than you will succeed. You will produce laughable,<br> embarrassing results. Spectacular,<br> epic disasters. Except when you succeed. And one brilliant creative success can outweigh a thousand bombastic blunders.\n\nI'm creative. Sometimes even fearlessly. And when I am,<br> I am rewarded and fulfilled in ways I can never foresee. In fact,<br> if I stop and try to foresee them,<br> I over-think it,<br> scare myself. In essence,<br> I get in my own way.\n\nIf you're already living the dream,<br> rooted in the present moment,<br> fearlessly devouring every opportunity in your wake,<br> reaping the spoils,<br> congratulations! Keep it up; you're my hero. If,<br> like so many others - myself included - you still censor yourself,<br> cautiously stepping around your own life too often....and if you're like some of those others - myself emphatically - who'd love to find the courage to inhabit that magical creative space as often as possible,<br> take a deep breath and say it with me now,<br> out loud:\n\n\"I commit to a remarkable life in pursuit of fearless creativity!\"",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"story\",<br>\"creativity\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"blog\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmWU6swuyTKRUKF8vQkGeC4jgXVLGCcUenScheNVfXvbsQ\/IMG_5381.JPG\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.