Transaction: d813d6382d49790b8332bad82ae2fb0a6bb2e49f

Included in block 75,887,518 at 2023/06/28 00:13:03 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d813d6382d49790b8332bad82ae2fb0a6bb2e49f
ref_block_num 62,343
ref_block_prefix 2,040,150,865
transaction_num 4
signatures 202a5b4b9b6c9d64fcabe18b6d69f39923aa8b3c5246e83fd524bc4f45145fc33278a185aca4c21524e3ab36c0c6ce3edbfa0d5046aff99dc26b0acf1129a706c3
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"colombia",<br>"author":"themadmanslife",<br>"permlink":"last-week-in-colombia",<br>"title":"Last week in Colombia",<br>"body":"I spoke to my daughter today after bouncing of another phone hotspot. WhatsApp is the best way to talk while I travle. She told me shes getting married in a week. I just learned that she was engadged last month. Its been a year and 2 months since I was sentanced to 7 years in a Colombian prision.\n\nI try to call my daughter and mom once a week as I bounced from country to country the past few years. Over the past 4 years Ive managed to hit 30 countries backpacking and hitchhiking from one town to the next. Just out of my second failed marriage at 38 I sold everything I had,<br> house,<br> car and dog and booked my one way ticket to Bangkok Thailand. \n\nI spend the majorty of my days lounging in a lime green hammock suspended by ropes made from torn and braided towels,<br> sheets and blankets from the upper bars that strech accross the roof of our 15' x 15' concreet cell. My home ror the past 14 months,<br> accompanied by anywhere from 18-24 of Colombiana most dangerious and volitile personlities. It is a daily juggling of caos from avoiding the daily argumento to the fight that shortly follows the lack of intelectual resolver only trumped by the out numbered party getting his ass kicked.\n\nOur cell is a 15'x15' box from the upper bars hangs a cologe of 7 hammock,<br> my lime green one underneeth a row of 3 above me. The concreet floor is covered with a mixture of single personas mats where 6 others sleep. There are two small rooms at the back of the cell that consist of a concrete bench and a mat where 3 sleep in one room and 3 in the others.\n\nThe black steel bar door that opens to the world sits centered within the small tile entry way where 2 others sleep. Cross the tile entry way into the sink area. we have a doubble burrner stove that has cooked thousands of meals. Turn right into our \"corona\" eco friendly torlet \u00e1rea complete with shower curtain of dolphins crossing the ocean. and to the left of the sink a single shower with curten of boat floating down the venitian waterways.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"colombia\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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