Transaction: d72e3d3edd8bb32e0d3fcc5cec4850c7a1abf5ca

Included in block 2,303,939 at 2016/06/13 14:28:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d72e3d3edd8bb32e0d3fcc5cec4850c7a1abf5ca
ref_block_num 10,177
ref_block_prefix 153,288,789
transaction_num 0
signatures 2073a03ab93ff2af6ddefd4f2fd6db6afad52661bc473cf32ded66f8f0205d44e50a53cb3e3ee82352ec51401d2a5cecdbe29772dcc61d3a2489a26b8b15bdcaf5
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"news",<br>"author":"chris-bell",<br>"permlink":"microsoft-to-buy-linkedin-for-26-2-billion",<br>"title":"Microsoft to buy Linkedin for $26.2 Billion",<br>"body":"Microsoft Corp agreed to buy LinkedIn Corp for $26.2 billion in its biggest-ever deal,<br> combining the software giant's fast-growing cloud services business with an online network of 433 million professionals. Microsoft will purchase Linkedin shares at around $196 per share,<br> about 50% higher than current share price. \n\nPersonally,<br> I see both companies as hanging into past successes without much innovation. LinkedIn has turned into a less active Facebook news feed complete with memes. Slack has eaten into it's community building appeal and personal portfolio websites are becoming the standard,<br> eliminating the need for a LinkedIn profile.\n\nSeems like a match made in heaven.\n\nMore information on the acquisition at [here (http\/\/\/business\/2016\/06\/microsoft-will-acquire-linkedin-for-18-5b\/)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"news\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"http\/\/\/business\/2016\/06\/microsoft-will-acquire-linkedin-for-18-5b\/\" "
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