operations |
comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"cryptocurrency",<br>"author":"sapphic",<br>"permlink":"the-ms-adventures-of-a-female-crypto-trader-episode-1",<br>"title":"The Ms Adventures of a Female Crypto Trader. - Episode 1",<br>"body":"<center><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/78o2sz3k3\/girl-trader.png\" \/><\/center>\n<hr>\n\nItem | Status\n------------ | -------------\nMountain Dew | Check\nDorittos | Check\nFedora | Ch...Whaaaat...\n\n<\/br>\n***Wait a second somethings wrong here,<br> reset,<br> let's start again.***\n<\/br>\n\nItem | Status\n------------ | -------------\nLemon,<br> Lime and Bitters | Check\nTzatziki Dip & Crackers | Check\nFlowery Summer Dress | Check\nBitcoin Funds | Check\nCrazy Strategies | Check\nMoi...looking wonderful | Check\n\n<center><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/jfon6ow1v\/line-break-thin.png\" \/><\/center>\n\n<p>\nHi all and welcome to my new weekly post where I'll discuss my misadventures in crypto trading.\nThe highs and the lows,<br> the long and the short,<br> where together we will both be embarrassed by my lack of knowledge and empowered by my brazen tenacity in the face of such ignorance,<br> as we learn to trade in the blockchains.\n<\/p>\n<hr>\n\n## In the beginning\n\n<div class=\"pull-right\"><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/rk0ui41ir\/lotsoflines.png\" \/>\n<a href=\"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Technical_analysis\"><center>TA,<br> it's all about lines,<br> lots of lines..and arrows<\/center><\/a>\n<\/div>\nHow did this all begin,<br> well I was overhearing a bunch of tradies one day and they were all talking about cryptocurrency and trading and blah blah blah...man talk..yawn.\n\nWell I thought to myself,<br> I'm probably way smarter then this bunch of tools,<br> so I registered a account on a [crypto exchange (https:\/\/binance.com) bought some coin and started trading,<br> (*Yep I'm that impulsive*).\n<hr>\n\n## Buying some Altcoin\n\nNow the coin I bought was kinda based on a little bit of knowledge,<br> I remember thinking yeah,<br> China,<br> Chinese industry and research,<br> this will go off,<br> so I bought some [RPX (https:\/\/coinmarketcap.com\/currencies\/red-pulse\/) sat back with a cool Lemon,<br>lime and bitters,<br> a full [chillum (https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Chillum_(pipe)) and waited to get rich...**I fell asleep**.\n\n<center><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/gx71cp137\/Port-history.png\" \/><a href=\"\">What started as a $78(AUD) purchase was now down to $38. bummer :(<\/a><\/center>\n\n\nI cried a bit,<br> ate ice cream with smeared mascara eyes,<br> dusted myself off and decided to learn Technical Analysis. I decided if I was going to do this then I needed to learn from the Masters,<br> but being broke as fuck,<br> due to the above losses,<br> I sought true knowledge...and went to Youtube.\n<hr>\n\n## Back into the fray\nArmed with all this info I grabbed an account at [Tradingview (https:\/\/www.tradingview.com\/) and started thinking and drawing lines and fibo things and arrows,<br> like a fuck-tonne of arrows,<br> red ones,<br> green ones...anyway,<br> I finally thought up a strategy to get me out of this bind...this is what happened.\n<center><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/7cneptjgz\/plan-whathappen.png\" \/><a href=\"\">This must be how a straight woman feels when expecting a hard-on,<br> and instead get a whisky dick.<\/a><\/center>\n<br>\n<hr>\n\n## Desperate times call for desperate measures.\n\nI watched more youtube...**lots of cat videos** until I had a plan,<br> that plan was to get the fuck out of [RPX (https:\/\/coinmarketcap.com\/currencies\/red-pulse\/) and get into [BNB (https:\/\/coinmarketcap.com\/currencies\/binance-coin\/) an altcoin issued by the [exchange (https:\/\/binance.com) I was using. Why? well it all has a connection to China (*see there is some reasoning there*) and it just felt like the right thing to do,<br> finally...**I fell asleep**.\n\nThe next morning I woke up invigorated with the dawning of a new day,<br> nope I groaned,<br> checked my phone and made a coffee. It was half way through this process that I found out what had happened as I slept.\n<hr>\n\n## Some days are diamonds...\n\nOvernight my situation had changed and by pure skill (*luck*) I had made a profit...by accident.\n\n<center><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/5xlu13q3n\/rpx-out-bnb-in.png\" \/><a href=\"https:\/\/support.binance.com\/hc\/en-us\/articles\/360001668872-Binance-Chain\">RPX takes a dive,<br> cause it's RPX. BNB takes off,<br> due to this Press Release YAY GO ME!<\/a><\/center>\n\nSo there we have week one done,<br> starting with $78,<br> dropping to $38 by being stupid and gaining from bailing on the RPX to finish at $52.\n___\n<br>\n\n# In the next episodes adventures\n\nWe chat about,<br> what happens when we:\n\n1. Try to understand the difference between [stochRSI and RSI (https:\/\/www.investopedia.com\/ask\/answers\/012015\/what-are-differences-between-relative-strength-index-rsi-stochastic-oscillator.asp)\n2. Plot more insanity,<br> delve into what TA can be done in [TradingView (https:\/\/www.tradingview.com\/)\n3. Road test the [Gekko (https:\/\/gekko.wizb.it\/) Trading Bot,<br> grab some strategies and do bitch assed backtesting.\n4. Finally we'll check back in on the trades that I made over the week and see what damage I've caused.\n<br>\n___\nTill then,<br> remember whatever the day trading brings,<br> tomorrow is a another day... trading.\n<center><img src=\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/kgbyzrxmr\/bliss.png\" \/><\/center>\n# @sapphic",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"cryptocurrency\",<br>\"trading\",<br>\"bitcoin\",<br>\"binance\",<br>\"woman\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"sapphic\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/78o2sz3k3\/girl-trader.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/jfon6ow1v\/line-break-thin.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/rk0ui41ir\/lotsoflines.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/gx71cp137\/Port-history.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/7cneptjgz\/plan-whathappen.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/5xlu13q3n\/rpx-out-bnb-in.png\",<br>\"https:\/\/s19.postimg.org\/kgbyzrxmr\/bliss.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Technical_analysis\",<br>\"https:\/\/binance.com\",<br>\"https:\/\/coinmarketcap.com\/currencies\/red-pulse\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Chillum_(pipe)\",<br>\"https:\/\/www.tradingview.com\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/coinmarketcap.com\/currencies\/binance-coin\/\",<br>\"https:\/\/support.binance.com\/hc\/en-us\/articles\/360001668872-Binance-Chain\",<br>\"https:\/\/www.investopedia.com\/ask\/answers\/012015\/what-are-differences-between-relative-strength-index-rsi-stochastic-oscillator.asp\",<br>\"https:\/\/gekko.wizb.it\/\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" " |