Transaction: d65f5278b635894ec097b255dee8fb1973afd134

Included in block 14,672,480 at 2017/08/18 04:33:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d65f5278b635894ec097b255dee8fb1973afd134
ref_block_num 57,948
ref_block_prefix 2,081,920,213
transaction_num 5
signatures 20705c9ed64db6421e2afd549dd9a861ac7ce1a63fa47a0db3ccbbf20d1486c7c91f27aca8c74fadc612a2b9c36b75b406b457f526063fe2341f12d1f4b10ae387
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"blog",<br>"author":"geemo-from-paris",<br>"permlink":"how-i-met-bobby-brown-in-the-90-s-and-almost-broke-my-leg-photo-of-the-meeting-and-the-entire-program-of-the-tour",<br>"title":"\"HOW I MET\"... BOBBY BROWN IN THE 90's ,<br> AND ALMOST BROKE MY LEG ,<br> Photo of the meeting and the entire program of the tour",<br>"body":"![IMG_2306(1).JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmVyahqjbTzHjBbDc19DN5XrZdGD8f15iMGqBwUiavXYhH\/IMG_2306(1).JPG)\n\nI really,<br> I had planned to tell you how I had met almost the entire Jackson family when I was young and fan. Unfortunately I can not get my hands on the most interesting photos,<br> from my meetings with Katherine Jackson,<br> Jermaine,<br> Tito,<br> Latoya (yes very gorgeous at the time)\nI would find them,<br> promised,<br> and I would make a post by the way.\n\nBut I had a crunchy story to tell you ...\nHOW I MET BOBBY BROWN IN THE 90's ,<br> AND ALMOST BROKE MY LEG !!!\n\n\n I met bobby brown,<br> it was at the dawn of the 90s,<br> bobby brown was betting for the promotion of his album :\n\"Dance y'a know it\"\nIt was also part of the gostbusters 2 soundtrack and was in full swing.\nHe was on tour in France to present his \"DON'T BE CRUEL TOUR\".\nHe was young handsome,<br> with a crazy talent,<br> a lot of energy,<br> and he had of course not yet met our dear beloved:\nWhitney Houston (RIP)\n\nMe and my friends were fan,<br> and had already booked our concert place,<br> it happened the : May 23 1990\n \n![IMG_2307.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmaZkt4E75Jrbp65jP67EsjRUwG7hJQt5RG1rzdxmpL9Hx\/IMG_2307.JPG)\n\nThe great day arrived,<br> my friends and myself,<br> waiting almost every afternoon in front of this concert hall,<br> to be sure of being in the front row.\nAfter hours of waiting,<br> the door opened ...\nWe all started to run,<br> in order to make parties of the first to enter the room.\nWe climbed at full speed a climb,<br> and it was at that moment that I felt my knees doing: CLAK CLAK.\nI did not immediately feel pain,<br> and continued my course.\nThe concert begins,<br> I am at the first,<br> surrounded by groupie who screams,<br> bobby brown enters scene.\nHe took me 20 minutes to feel a strange sensation in my knees,<br> like the impression that my knees no longer held,<br> and bent in the opposite direction of my joint,<br> very scaring.\nI immediately asked for help,<br> to the security staff and finished the concert in the stands.\nThe concert was incredible,<br> bobby was at the top,<br> his dj killed the turntables,<br> and it was he who made me want to become dj.\n\nI found the official program of the tour,<br> it is a pleasure to let you discover ,<br> here it is :\n\n![IMG_2309.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmXqrvWRorAeHzTs94FMcTgLkwvVTsHvPnq5mpaUKtmY2r\/IMG_2309.JPG)\n![IMG_2310.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmQPh34Nh8c9gAzi34bRfkuSDN7pb6kodsWMo54GJ7PxnV\/IMG_2310.JPG)\n![IMG_2301.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmU9RBrSPDGPgGqCzXdAfYbwy3rDAzwDd7CmiTJVU1fvyY\/IMG_2301.JPG)\n![IMG_2302.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmY7Nt96ugLCSom6x4CrKPBHZRo1Q7vQtndvupAbKjouW3\/IMG_2302.JPG)\n![IMG_2303.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmYa5oyfpsUNLqwqjjVtVYjdKwqnjUYdu18WpxpJoNFJyr\/IMG_2303.JPG)\n![IMG_2304.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmUzYdWGkn1vgLKUSoYCWmdFoUJda9kFUmvBdHKPo1o2Bt\/IMG_2304.JPG)\n![IMG_2305.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmemQp2j9HeuWmXGLvV6jmnoXXkDWLdG1JjrBabAhddfot\/IMG_2305.JPG)\n![IMG_2299.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmeGGNSr52dDYYtAmaHzW2zPUudzSYVUdyFpjGHuj7soTy\/IMG_2299.JPG)\n![IMG_2300.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmZA14akbycNovvrizLky5WTUZnSNxdsabnCQjbZrG3LGR\/IMG_2300.JPG)\n![IMG_2298.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmTh3Fc2eHmg9KehaogLxvJpJD4BGYQkdDFjACuyXRermj\/IMG_2298.JPG)\nThe whole staff signed my program the dancers,<br> bodyguard,<br> dj,<br> and of course Bobby brown in the center of the photo\n\n\nThe concert finished,<br> my friends and I even decided to go very quickly to the hotel Warwick on the fields elys\u00e9e,<br> in order to succeed to meet bobby brown and get autograph and photos.\nMy friends was getting ripped off and I started to feel a very strong thief who prevented me from walking properly,<br> yes I had a sprain ...\nI am still arriving at the hotel and bobby brown and arrived a few minutes after me,<br> what a luck!\nSome fans were already there but I managed to attract his attention,<br> he immediately asked me what had happened to my legs,<br>\nI told him that I was hurt at his concert,<br> it was Really sorry and immediately offered to take a great picture of him and me,<br> it was a wonderful and unforgettable moment,<br> ilet you admire this memorable photo and the joy on the face of this kid,<br> that I was...\n\n![IMG_2308.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmZKvKdNuaD2GYM9NXd7PfFnbU6Wd6HxNsF8acQPa849P7\/IMG_2308.JPG)\nBobby Brown and me\n\nI hope that it is nice memories and precious photos and documents will please you...\n\nAnd you know the rules ,<br> don't hesitate to comment and upvote...\n\n![IMG_2297.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmXr1KsitumkyEeydqmEj8xQRPziu5hQrRsuAZQbyWbMHu\/IMG_2297.JPG)\nGive me the steem force\n\nLOVE\n\n@geemo-from-paris",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"blog\",<br>\"story\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"introducemyself\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"geemo-from-paris\" 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* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.