Transaction: d36d7d43d84764d7a118f27c13a2e5542b9f75fe

Included in block 36,464,312 at 2019/09/16 06:20:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d36d7d43d84764d7a118f27c13a2e5542b9f75fe
ref_block_num 26,279
ref_block_prefix 2,307,320,922
transaction_num 29
signatures 2052c2e4f39b4f10e005e46b80f3cf268155b951c7cf357ad48c6df05c79918b70364b7fee15b70b7cb8c7ef92c01bac82e8c3ac3210e1bc7f3bfb4529ce3a6c85
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"photography",<br>"author":"putu300",<br>"permlink":"the-landscape-of-kastala-village-bali",<br>"title":"The landscape of Kastala Village,<br> Bali",<br>"body":"![IMG_0204.JPG (https:\/\/\/DQmRcDDCXTc8pKYcmmMxHw3x7WCff4pbQeSUVtceFvgcyiZ\/IMG_0204.JPG)\n\nIt was 3 PM when I got in the trekking site in Kastala village. The sun was still somewhere in the western sky. I was heading south underneath the trees in the right side of the track. I did not feel so hot,<br> thanks to the shady trees.\n\nThe trek was not that difficult. First,<br> cross the wooden bamboo bridge across a river. Then walk for about an hour along a rice field track. Finally arrive in another village called Gumung village. Note this if you would like to do this trek if you come to Bali.\n\nThere was a little dilapidated hut in the middle of the rice farm. (Would the farmers sleep there? Maybe on the midday,<br> not for spending the night.) Old traditional hut will look good on the photo,<br> I thought.\n\nThen there was the soya bean plants all over. The beans were ready to harvest. I met some farmers who were harvesting them. \"Would you like some soya bean?\" said one of them. \n\nNo,<br> thanks,<br> I responded. I just want to take photos,<br> not soya bean. \n\nSo,<br> I took some photos. In some photos the sky was over exposed. This is the problem using beginner camera. After few tries,<br> I managed to get the sky look like what it supposed to be. Blue.\n\nAnd what can I say? So beautiful. The blue sky,<br> green trees,<br> soybean plants,<br> rice plants far away,<br> were all look so beautiful. I was happy to be there.\n\nThis is an entry for photography contest held by @derangedvision @derangedcontest landscape tier: beginner.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"photography\",<br>\"creativecoin\",<br>\"palnet\",<br>\"neoxian\",<br>\"marlians\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"derangedvision\",<br>\"derangedcontest\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmRcDDCXTc8pKYcmmMxHw3x7WCff4pbQeSUVtceFvgcyiZ\/IMG_0204.JPG\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.