Transaction: d1fee137c41dd4c9b9bc7dfd0f62978390c7cea5

Included in block 2,303,670 at 2016/06/13 14:15:15 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d1fee137c41dd4c9b9bc7dfd0f62978390c7cea5
ref_block_num 9,909
ref_block_prefix 947,556,589
transaction_num 0
signatures 1f163710ac92c295d2f1e5a112279d6c7c103045fd53a9768aa6e27aeda87900a845a803b709d3e1345b174bcd91f03ff1a93d30e0f2a48ab819ad7d35a8258f2c
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"youtube",<br>"author":"saurianec",<br>"permlink":"youtube-gaming-everywhere",<br>"title":"Youtube Gaming Everywhere",<br>"body":"**Youtube Gaming Launches in the Philippines** ![Start image (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/06\/youtube_gaming.png)\n\nIn one of many ground-breaking developments in the streaming sector this year,<br> YouTube has officially announced the launch of their gaming stream network earlier today.\n\nCalled YouTube Gaming,<br> the is specially designed for gamers,<br> allowing them to explore gaming content in a user-friendly manner through the use of the Google search algorithm. With the launch of the app,<br> it it easier to find and watch gaming videos and live streams on YouTube. It is currently available on Android and iOS in the Philippines today.\n\nIts main features include a user interface (UI) that focuses on gaming,<br> allowing for easier searching and browsing of streams. At the moment,<br> YouTube Gaming brings together over 25,<br>000 games.\n![Image of Youtube Gaming (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/08\/YouTubeGaming-640x400.jpg)\n\n**Gaming-Family-Medium**\n\nHere is how YouTube Gaming looks like on different devices.\nSimilar to Twitch,<br> spectators are allowed to chat with other viewers through the use of a live chatting platform. At the same time,<br> users are able to receive notifications on their mobile gadgets in order to be able to catch up with the action on the move.\n\nFinally,<br> gamers can stream their mobile games directly through their tablets and smartphones,<br> though this feature is only available to Android at the moment.\n\nREAD: http:\/\/\/2994\/twitch-acquires-goodgame\n\n![Mediasat jpg (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/08\/youtube-gaming_1200x500-728x303.jpg)\n\nWith gaming channels making up 20 of the 100 top YouTube channels in the world,<br> as well as hundreds of millions of gamers who watch 144 billion minutes of gaming videos and live streams on YouTube every month,<br> the new app aims to make a strong presence in the rapidly growing world of eSports and games streaming in general.\n\nIn comparison,<br> Twitch has more than 100 million viewers per month,<br> with each viewer spending 106 minutes watching Twitch content every day.\n\nNow,<br> that\u2019s a lot of hours.\n![Image Kedr (http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/08\/Screenshot_1-1060x541.png)",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"youtube\",<br>\"gaming\",<br>\"broadcast\",<br>\"video\",<br>\"blog\",<br>\"philippines\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2015\/06\/youtube_gaming.png\" "
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