Transaction: d179e2b73deee716358ca334f8d06ad0ce4ffff2

Included in block 15,729,350 at 2017/09/23 21:40:54 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id d179e2b73deee716358ca334f8d06ad0ce4ffff2
ref_block_num 706
ref_block_prefix 2,873,528,639
transaction_num 12
signatures 1f552cc66a563d6e67ec8001d6120e952c59a808f8b112368de90ebd084ce96b8c38ea9224885cd2af6c694b709e89cfefdb8c1243b07bf6ffb06d160d74e2f4fe
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"adventure",<br>"author":"calutu",<br>"permlink":"atlantis-submarine-adventure-in-barbados",<br>"title":"Atlantis submarine adventure in Barbados",<br>"body":"This was the shortest excursion we went on during our cruise and also one of the most expensive ones! However,<br> we still really wanted to go because it isn't very often that you get the chance to go on a submarine! \n\nWe passed a ship wreck and some coral reef areas with lots of fish and a sea turtle. There were lots of people in the submarine but it didn't feel too crowded. Everyone had a great view from the windows. Highly recommend this tour to anyone considering it!\n\nThe commentator was very funny (Delano),<br> great banter between him and the pilot (Franz,<br> I think). I would recommend doing this,<br> although we did not see much,<br> I guess we were on the wrong side of the submarine. Went down to 142 feet below the surface.\nWhat a great experience!! We were greeted at the port by the shuttle which took us to the home base for the submarine facility. Once there,<br> we signed a waiver and were walked to the vessel that too us to the submarine. Just as we were boarding,<br> we had our photo taken as a pictorial reminder as to where were had been that day. \nThe launch out to the sub was about 10 minutes and once there,<br> we tied up and switched over to the sub. The surface waters were a bit choppy that day so the step from one vessel to the other was tricky but doable. Then there are 11 stairs you must negotiated going down backwards to get into the sub. \nOnce into the body,<br> there are form fitted seats facing the port and starboard sides so you can see out,<br> as well as a depth gauge showing just how far down you have traveled. You'll use the person behind you as a back support so prepare to make new friends. The sub is air conditioned and personal pressurization is not necessary. \nThe journey down and back took about 45 minutes. It did not take long at all to make it to the ship wreck on the bottom,<br> about 140' or so below the surface. There was narration from the assistant captain who had been doing this for over 20,<br>000 trips in his lifetime!! The fish sightings were plenty. Sting Rays,<br> Great Barracudas,<br> Yellow Tails,<br> Green Sea Turtles and Parrot Fish were all to be seen. \nOnce back from the journey,<br> were were offered the pre-sub-picture as a souvenir for $5.00 as well as giving a Dive Certificate from the Atlantis Submarines commemorating the trip. \nAll in all,<br> a great adventure! My recommendations are to do this one EARLY as this will leave you with the rest of the day to do things on shore as well!!\nBelow is my movie with the submarine adventure that I want to share with you.Enjoy \n\nhttps:\/\/\/watch?v=taPHUvlQfz0",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"adventure\",<br>\"trip\",<br>\"submarine\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/vi\/taPHUvlQfz0\/0.jpg\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=taPHUvlQfz0\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
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