Transaction: cd146059adbd2b1f1458899df45708f6e854640d

Included in block 36,464,551 at 2019/09/16 06:32:39 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id cd146059adbd2b1f1458899df45708f6e854640d
ref_block_num 26,516
ref_block_prefix 2,312,151,113
transaction_num 14
signatures 206f1b45f374aa75b1207b242b477918639d6ebb9213f331877ee5901d3aaa797731926e32054c2b2c6d5ddde6beaf8b5037d5aed108a5a66161f29b5034e69809
"parent_author":"forexbrokr",<br>"parent_permlink":"pxwud2",<br>"author":"chekohler",<br>"permlink":"re-forexbrokr-pxwvic",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"I have heard some people talking about being able to give your downvote stake to another account or just delegating in the meantime. Nothing stopping communities from creating a downvote service that goes out and cleans up abuse and protects against retaliation. I think this will become part of how many communities operate in the future.\n\nThe reason I say it has an element of protection is that a user flagging you would need to have a stake in all the tribes to completely remove all your rewards",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"newsteem\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steempeak\/1.16.1\" "
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