Transaction: cb6395119b97e0e5d32517f48ed163e97e0783e7

Included in block 46,843,239 at 2020/09/13 20:10:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id cb6395119b97e0e5d32517f48ed163e97e0783e7
ref_block_num 50,514
ref_block_prefix 1,732,918,154
transaction_num 1
signatures 1f53c5b0fceb71f73f317d4819d86ae35e2b9edd9c669815c67dd80b32d8402dbb615d900693632e73666be234aaaf8d1ee8a772437b0bb15140c90e12a26822a1
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"hive-194804",<br>"author":"olawalium",<br>"permlink":"sweet-sister",<br>"title":"Sweet Sister.",<br>"body":"![IMG-20200912-WA0044.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmVKYsinaLdHougDGbNVj9Xqro1HsWiVgCMQwLaRhSq4Cx\/IMG-20200912-WA0044.jpg)\n\n---\n\n*She is full of confidence,<br> this I know\nHer talent knows no bound\nHer talent flows easily like a river\nShooting them with the intent from her quiver\nI can speak about her humour as well\nShe takes everything in,<br> just like the well\nFunny,<br> simple,<br> understanding and loving\nLook no further or even farther\nShe is many things as could play the role of a father\nJust take a closer look at her\nTry and catch a glimpse of how she smiles\nThen you'd understand how special she is\nMade evident with her dimples\nA face as cute as hers\nA smile as enchanting as hers\nThe dimples as luring as hers\nDeserves the admiration of people around\nHer heart is golden and she is easily forgiving\nHer taste is high and she understands loyalty\nPeople like you,<br> Eriikeoluwanimi comes in short supply\nYou are a limited edition,<br> a vintage\nSent into the world and can't be caged\nA container with strong content sent into the continent\nSpreading her fragrance to the world at large prominently\nYou are special and I wish my words can do justice\nTo tell you how amazing you are\nYou are not only beautiful in every way but you are kind too\nThank you for being Eriikeoluwa*\n\n---\n\n*Thank you for your time.*\n\n---\n\n**My pen doesn't bleed,<br> it speaks,<br> with speed and ease.**\n\n*Still me*,<br>\n\n>My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.\n\n![IMG-20180525-WA0003.jpg (https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmPG1DsKwZmYPcUKXhhL7MXcrE4X7HgWQqxQ54HuEK62iD)\n\n**Olawalium**; (**Love's chemical content,<br> in human form**). *Take a dose today: doctor's order.*",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"family\",<br>\"love\",<br>\"life\",<br>\"poem\",<br>\"poetry\",<br>\"nigeria\",<br>\"stach\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmVKYsinaLdHougDGbNVj9Xqro1HsWiVgCMQwLaRhSq4Cx\/IMG-20200912-WA0044.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/ipfs\/QmPG1DsKwZmYPcUKXhhL7MXcrE4X7HgWQqxQ54HuEK62iD\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.