operations |
comment | "parent_author":"shohana1",<br>"parent_permlink":"learn-with-me-5-natural-hair-care-treatment-at-home",<br>"author":"miftahulrizky",<br>"permlink":"skpqbz",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"<div class =\"text-justify\"><i>\n\n<center><i><b>Thank you very much for publishing your post in Teachers and Students community <\/b><\/i><\/center>\n\n<\/i><\/div>\n\n Description | Information\n --- | --- \nVerified User | \u2705\nPlagiarism Free \/ AI Article Free <br> #steemexclusive | \u2705\n350+ Words | \u2705\n#club75 | \u2705 \nBot Free | \u2705\n\n<center><b> Beneficiaries <\/b><\/center>\n\n| #burnsteem25 <br> @ myteacher | <br> yes <br> no |\n|-|-|\n\nThank you for sharing with us how to take care of your hair naturally,<br> hopefully this method works to overcome the problem of hair loss. \n\nThis material in my opinion is very suitable when shared in the **Steem For Leadis community** because it is useful for many women who read it to overcome their hair loss problems. \n\nWe want to keep the quality of posts in the teacher community focused on educational topics,<br> **if you teach your child at home how to make hair care recipes that's just suitable to share in our community,<br>** hopefully you understand the purpose of our community.\n\nAlso read: https:\/\/steemit.com\/hive-167213\/@miftahulrizky\/guidelines-for-writing-posts-in-the-teachers-and-students-community",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemexclusive\",<br>\"club75\",<br>\"burnsteem25\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/steemit.com\/hive-167213\/@miftahulrizky\/guidelines-for-writing-posts-in-the-teachers-and-students-community\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\" " |