Transaction: c71e18e975382f9fe3b7fad910fad7f20078601b

Included in block 32,296,055 at 2019/04/23 12:47:42 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id c71e18e975382f9fe3b7fad910fad7f20078601b
ref_block_num 52,322
ref_block_prefix 1,936,548,472
transaction_num 3
signatures 204ada95e3679def586fc9e393d04cadaa186c0cfe3154adc6ea1823562b654e3f13f8b3d59781e651690d996d6c511000a1a25485b3d1eacd927614c7920eb767
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"life",<br>"author":"gabrielgee",<br>"permlink":"first-post-ever-inherent-potential-of-a-human-and-fear-based-decision-making",<br>"title":"First Post Ever \u2013 Inherent potential of a human and Fear based decision making.",<br>"body":"<html>\n<p>Hello Steemit!&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><em>This is my first post and by no means is any of this a declaration of fact. If you do disagree please feel free to open a dialogue by leaving a comment to discuss your opinion. Without being too in-depth,<br> these are just my general thoughts on the inherent potential of a human and why making decisions on how you live your life based on fear will be the wrong decision in the long run.&nbsp;<\/em><\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;https:\/\/\/DQmQEyggbcF91S5azsj37NDPochCLLMmH5fACkQsfCSWKDR\/image.png<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Remember you can handle anything and as long as your heart beats you can always try to find a way to win or compromise.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I feel like the majority of the world has lost sight of their inherent potential as a human being.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As a member of the human species,<br> you are part of the rarest group in the known universe. You possess an advanced form of intelligence that allows you to think,<br> forecast,<br> and problem solve all with your thoughts. Your ancestors figured out how to survive harsh environmental conditions,<br> starvation,<br> and violence,<br> cure diseases,<br> harness electricity,<br> and established civilizations that lasted thousands of years. Yet,<br> many limit themselves to the options laid out for them. Why?<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The fear that blinds us:<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In today\u2019s world,<br> if you somehow managed to make it to adulthood with a decent job just as ordered by your teachers then congratulations you\u2019ve endured the brainwashing of the public school system. You are taught to normalize the idea of: as you grow,<br> your daily lives fill with more incessant nagging of responsibilities and commitments and you wont have time to be able imagine yourself doing anything other then what you must do. Our vision becomes covered by the fear from what will happen if we don\u2019t fulfill our responsibilities i.e. lose your property (car,<br> home,<br> or apartment) or the idea of being considered behind or a failure at what society defines as life.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This fear I feel motivates many people to not take risks and settle in their life. They will spend their days living a comfortably numb existence. Droning through their years doing routine tasks that bring in enough income to provide for themselves and maybe an offspring or partner; gorging on the entertainment that is served to them and never pushing their limits of creativity or existence.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share your comments,<br> concerns,<br> suggestions or just dismantle my argument completely :-)<\/p>\n<p>Disclaimer: I understand there are individuals who\u2019s goal are to become a well-integrated individual in society with a stable job,<br> family and home but this is not addressed to them. This is for the people who have thought about or want to seek an alternative.&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><br><\/p>\n<\/html>",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"life\",<br>\"mindset\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmQEyggbcF91S5azsj37NDPochCLLMmH5fACkQsfCSWKDR\/image.png\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"html\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.