Transaction: c6d94301ab586a7521120b85871ab0627686715b

Included in block 75,863,164 at 2023/06/27 03:49:21 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id c6d94301ab586a7521120b85871ab0627686715b
ref_block_num 37,993
ref_block_prefix 2,630,836,152
transaction_num 9
signatures 1f3da8af53f9a9716aedd945d6d7efd0a7cbec8633eea7ee241de0a74723b968197da018a14948b5b3ac6599cb13d23fc5d191f798b2bc34c3bf5149c2d81845a0
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"youtuber",<br>"author":"ssraj",<br>"permlink":"fresh-chatgpt4-app-get-10-000s-visitors-day-without-ads-or-seo",<br>"title":"\u26a1\ufe0f (FRESH ChatGPT4 App) Get 10,<br>000s visitors\/day WITHOUT ads or SEO.",<br>"body":"![Add a subheading.png (https:\/\/\/DQmTauWqsadsVinfSEWxEvCyDVauSBPUyUdtteeqUqYVYTn\/Add%20a%20subheading.png)\n\nIf you're still busting your a** trying to make Free traffic work... \n\nOR Spending way too much money on paid ads like Facebook,<br> and Google..\n\nThere there is a much better,<br> easier way to generate 100,<br>000s of free visitors per month...\n\n...using a *SECRET* YOUTUBE HACK + ChatGPT4 app that 99.99% of people still have NO IDEA ABOUT..\n\n==> How they generated 109,<br>540 visitors with a 30-sec video.. : https:\/\/\/TubeRushrr\n\nHere're some of the results other people getting with Shorts:\n\n- 3.5 Million views posting other people's videos\n- 24 million views posting 5 sec videos\n- 1.4 million views posting 30 sec review videos\n\nWith TubeRushr,<br> you can quickly and easily create attention-grabbing YouTube Shorts w\/ ChatGPT4 that drive traffic & sales to your websites,<br> blogs,<br> and offers in just 3 clicks..\n\nSTEP 1 - Find & use other people's viral videos OR add your own short script.\n\nSTEP 2 - With 1-click our A.I. turns it into an attention-grabbing,<br> highly engaging \n& profitable youtube short video.\n\nSTEP 3 - Upload your video,<br> use their \u201cTraffic On Demand\u201d Cheat Sheet & start \ngetting real traffic & sales instantly.\n\n==> WATCH QUICK DEMO HERE: https:\/\/\/TubeRushrr\n\nTubeRushr is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch \nfor the next few days only..\n\nAfter this week,<br> it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.\n\nAct fast and get your account at the lowest price ever.\n\n==> Get TubeRushr For A Low One-Time Price Now: https:\/\/\/TubeRushrr\n\n\nSee you inside.\n\nAll the best",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"youtuber\",<br>\"makemoney\",<br>\"youtube\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"chatgpt4\",<br>\"socialmedia\",<br>\"video\",<br>\"marketingeducational\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmTauWqsadsVinfSEWxEvCyDVauSBPUyUdtteeqUqYVYTn\/Add%20a%20subheading.png\" ,<br>\"links\":[\"https:\/\/\/TubeRushrr\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.2\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.