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comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"busy",<br>"author":"tom.cruise",<br>"permlink":"vr-technology-what-is-it-like",<br>"title":"VR technology: what is it like?",<br>"body":"\nA virtual reality,<br> or VR (Virtual Reality),<br> is commuting to ganhar espa\u00e7o no mercado eletr\u00f4nicos. Hoje em dia,<br> um dos maiores exemplos dessa tecnia s\u00e3o os \u00f3culos de realidade virtual,<br> os quais voc\u00ea j\u00e1 deve ter seen ou ouvido falar por a\u00ed,<br> acertamos?\nOr that virtual reality and how it works\n\nA virtual reality and created from a computational system,<br> which has the objective of recreating the sensation of reality,<br> not a virtual environment and making it possible for you to interact with it in a certain way.\n\nWe are going to paste as examples of virtual realities. Let's say you want to play a couple of your favorite games and are using them for isso. By itself,<br> you will be able to interact with all the dimensions of the game as it exists within you.\n\nOr what makes this experience even more virtual,<br> it also offers visual,<br> sound and visual effects,<br> so that the user does not have a simulated environment.\nAcompanhe essa tend\u00eancia\n\nSome international brands worldwide have come to invest in this technology through two virtual reality glasses. Among the most famous is Oculus Rift,<br> which gives Oculus VR,<br> which is compatible with computers such as Windows,<br> Mac and Linux,<br> and Xbox One.\n\nAli\u00e1s,<br> falando em Xbox One,<br> or Project Scorpio,<br> gives Microsoft,<br> is ganhando or cora\u00e7\u00e3o two lovers of games,<br> for being able to process jo jogos em resol\u00e7\u00e3o 4K e realidade virtual. In short,<br> we will see more trends emerging from the market,<br> the second G1 news,<br> Microsoft announced a partnership with HP,<br> Dell,<br> Lenovo,<br> Asus and Acer brands to create a virtual reality device for PCs. We are looking forward to this novidade !\nO tatarav\u00f4 two oculi VR de hoje\n\nDid you know that virtual thermo reality has existed since 1938? Pois \u00e9! Ele foi used pela first time em um livro chamado \"Le Th\u00e9\u00e2tre et son double\",<br> French author Antonin Artaud. Nessa era,<br> j\u00e1 existiam jiggle oculos that reproduziam content in 3D discs: o View Master. Curious,<br> n\u00e3o \u00e9 mesmo?\nInternet to take advantage of or virtual reality\n\nAs some VR precises of Internet to offer all the emotion that you can experience,<br> accompany this trend of technology world with fiber optic internet and take advantage of high speed and stability of sinal.",<br>"json_metadata":" \"community\":\"busy\",<br>\"app\":\"busy\/2.4.0\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\",<br>\"tags\":[\"busy\",<br>\"technology\",<br>\"virtual\",<br>\"reality\",<br>\"vr\" " | vote | "voter":"tom.cruise", "author":"tom.cruise", "permlink":"vr-technology-what-is-it-like", "weight":10000 |