Transaction: c23e55440a047a1d9963205afb74f5e221b6ab91

Included in block 12,898,150 at 2017/06/17 11:14:27 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id c23e55440a047a1d9963205afb74f5e221b6ab91
ref_block_num 53,089
ref_block_prefix 1,732,931,142
transaction_num 8
signatures 2059f682b73d8b251d723cedc16226568426d79345a67fd812a79282b5a38346430fea9d33fe17ba40a4c859f4375d0a4307f2c4acc1b4d2ec86ac156271df2c37
"parent_author":"gamma-rat",<br>"parent_permlink":"voting-the-illusion-of-choice",<br>"author":"globocop",<br>"permlink":"re-gamma-rat-voting-the-illusion-of-choice-20170617t111422047z",<br>"title":"",<br>"body":"This is one of the best red-pilled submissions I have seen on the subject,<br> and on Steemit. I would change the tag *conspiracy* to *conspiracy-facts*,<br> as the powers that should not be have changed the meaning of the word to signify tin-foil thinking.\n\nHowever,<br> as I am writing this,<br> I wonder how this applies to the Presidential elections in 2016 - putting Donald Trump into the drivers seat. Inarguably,<br> Trump is fighting the globalist plan of technocratic enslavement. His actions speak volumes. His IQ is 156,<br> the highest of any U.S. President ever. And Trump is playing the elites like a no one else before. A man with balls. This then raises the question if the vote abstention would have also been effective in the US or would it have been to the detriment of human kind had criminal Clinton ascended to the throne? Would we already be in WW3,<br> fighting Russia?\n\nI think we need to differentiate between the vote,<br> and the political resources in the on the ballot. Is that not true for Brexit,<br> too?\n\nPolitics is a dirt game,<br> hijacked by sinister interests who reap their reward today - and whom I not envy when their time is up. \n\nDemocracy as a whole is deception. Three foxes and two hens vote what's for dinner. Democracy as such,<br> is dirty. Consensus can be bought with\n- financial incentives\n- blackmail through set-up\n- blackmail through ones hidden past\n- threats agains ones person or his family\n- defamation\/ character assassination\n- loss of livelihood \nand any other devious scream a adversary can dream up.\n\nSo,<br> what is the solution. \nThe rule of law.\n\nThe U.S. Constitution is such honorable law. Why did it fail the American people for the past 30 years? Because it politicians have been blackmailed,<br> the rule of law undermined by anti-human interests,<br> etc.\n\nAt the end of the day,<br> globalism,<br> islamism,<br> communism,<br> socialism,<br> technocracy,<br> central banking,<br> and any form of race based supremacy,<br> such as is claimed by the talmudic faction of a certain people. Political Correctness a self defeating weapon. \n\nStill pondering...\n\n*ch @globocop*",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"politics\" ,<br>\"users\":[\"globocop\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\" "
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.