operations |
comment | "parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"steemmonsters",<br>"author":"givememonsters",<br>"permlink":"upvote-service-up-to-004-upvotes-on-any-steemit-post-1555645388",<br>"title":"Upvote Service - Up to $0.04 upvotes on ANY Steemit Post!",<br>"body":"![ (https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/400x400\/https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmQjQdMtPBZFyRdxVL1s7W13SJTgTh3DJZ1ABFv18sfG6q\/58DDEE73-D4AD-489D-9817-A8485C2279B9.jpeg)\n\n## Receiving Upvotes by Sending in Steem Monsters Rewards Cards!!\n\n![ (https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmQP5ffMBp9QWCNWRozzrwe2TuzjCrMLvsFL3wMAhDxmCF\/image.png)\n\nWe are now officially up and running with a $0.04 upvote value according to Steem Now and will soon be up to $0.04 as we continue to grow!\n\nThe way this works is simple,<br> anyone can use this,<br> send any steem monster card or cards equaled to the desired upvote value that you want,<br> including the most useless cards in your collection that you never use OR it can even be a card you received from one of our partner accounts in a free daily giveaway.\n\nYou can send a combination of cards,<br> for instance if you want a $0.04 upvote you can send 4x Rusty Androids or 2x Rusty Android and 1x Goblin Mech. \n\n**(See pricing chart below for an outline of which cards are currently accepted within our $0.03 range).**\n\nNo matter the card you send in we will upvote any post link that you provide in the comments below,<br> it does NOT have to be Steem Monsters related or have the #steemmonsters tag contained in the post,<br> it can be ANYTHING you want.\n\nPlease also note in your comment the card or cards that you sent in for the upvote as this will help us assign the value to your upvote.\n\n### Pricing chart\n**$0.01 Cards**\nRusty Android (Rewards)\nSea Genie (Rewards)\nHighland Archers (Rewards)\nVampires (Rewards)\nSilvershield Archers (Rewards)\nUndead Minotaur (Rewards)\n\n**$0.02 Cards**\nGoblin Mech (Rewards)\n\n**$0.03 Cards**\nAnimated Corpse (Beta)\nMinotaur Warrior (Beta)\nSilvershield Warrior (Beta)\nSpineback Wolf (Beta) \nFlame Imp (Rewards)\nCreeping Ooze (Rewards)\nHobgoblin (Rewards)\nMushroom Seer (Rewards)\nNaga Fire Wizard (Rewards)\nSkeleton Warrior (Rewards)\n\n**$0.04 Cards**\nSabre Shark (Beta)\nSilvershield Knight (Beta)\nGoblin Shaman (Beta)\nGoblin Sorcerer (Beta)\nWood Nymph (Rewards)\nGrumpy Dwarf (Beta)\nAnimated Corpse (Alpha)\nFire Beetle (Beta)\nHaunted Spider (Beta)\nSea Monster (Rewards)\n\n\n\nThis is a manual upvote process so please allow us some time to complete this but we will provide a reply to your comment once your card has been confirmed as received and once our upvote has been completed.\n\nPlease only submit posts that 3 days old or less to this service.\n\nIf we cannot upvote you post for any reason then your card(s) will be returned promptly.\n\nAny cards received from this upvote service will be used toward the continued daily giveaways of the Monster Madness Giveaways team,<br> brought to you by [@jonnyla08 (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@jonnyla08) and fellow team members.\n\nAs always,<br> we appreciate the support of our followers and we look forward to helping everyone out as much as we can in any way we can!\n\nNow who's willing to help us test this out?! We are now open for business!!\n\n## About Monster Madness Giveaways\n\nWe are a growing group of individuals that seek to help the Steemit community by providing free giveaways to promote,<br> above all things,<br> a platform for other Steemit users to grow and find a little assistance along the way to improve their experiences and draw more interest to Steemit as a whole.\n\n![ (https:\/\/steemitimages.com\/200x200\/https:\/\/cdn.steemitimages.com\/DQmYQxo88e6XuGfGmpBoz2WPutFEBtU6QEEukYPq89PHzpN\/48D8FFAA-3BD0-49C0-BAC4-6411AA69EBB9.jpeg)\n\n**Combined between our now 5 active team members:**\n\nUser\n\nService Provided\n\n[@jonnyla08 (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@jonnyla08)\n\nSteem Monsters Giveaways\n\n[@monstermadness (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@monstermadness)\n\nSteem Monsters Giveaways\n\n[@just4kicks46 (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@just4kicks46)\n\nSteem Monsters Giveaways\n\n[@steemexplorers (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@steemexplorers)\n\nSteembasicincome Giveaways\n\n[@givememonsters (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@givememonsters)\n\nUpvote Service\n\n**We are now giving away something every single day across 4x accounts. That\u2019s 28x FREE giveaways every single week! And we're working on providing an upvote service through the [@givememonsters (https:\/\/steemit.com\/@givememonsters) account!**",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"steemmonsters\",<br>\"busy\",<br>\"upvote\",<br>\"steemit\",<br>\"cards\" ,<br>\"links\":[ ,<br>\"app\":\"steemauto\/0.02\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" " |