Transaction: bcdf034ff5c13600c8f24afe80597f4497fd294b

Included in block 12,898,036 at 2017/06/17 11:08:45 (UTC).

Transaction overview

Transaction info
transaction_id bcdf034ff5c13600c8f24afe80597f4497fd294b
ref_block_num 52,975
ref_block_prefix 4,044,534,485
transaction_num 2
signatures 1f45e5ba6f76f517e9bca3bd6152b20e2ab039706dbc56d271f860ecad52b5a2c74639b00fa8dd44564fb94e01063e18ac54c1a7496e4924f2b18fb5f65e752d50
"parent_author":"",<br>"parent_permlink":"travel",<br>"author":"tradetotravel",<br>"permlink":"australians-are-keen-travellers",<br>"title":"Australians are keen travellers",<br>"body":"Australians are keen travellers\n\nI read an article the other day that said that in 2012,<br> 31 out of every 100 Australian residents traveled overseas. The way Airline prices have dropped it can only increase.No matter where I have traveled I always run into at least one Australian per day.\n\n Last year while on a day tour to the Canadian side of Niagra Falls I met an Australian lady who was working in Saskatoon and was visiting Toronto for the week. She told me a story about a previous trip to somewhere,<br> I can\u2019t remember where but I think it was in Eastern Europe. She said that she was staying the night in a small village in the middle of nowhere,<br> and didn\u2019t think she would run into anyone that spoke English. One of the first people she ran into was an Australian,<br> she then looked at me,<br> sighed and said with a smile \u201cBloody Australians,<br> we\u2019re like cockroach\u2019s and we are infesting the planet\u201c.\n\nI laughed and thought while being compared to a cockroach isn\u2019t the most flattering of descriptions,<br> you have to admire the cockroaches hardiness and resilience. I once heard somewhere that there are only two things tough enough to survive a nuclear holocaust and that is cockroaches and Keith Richards. ( I personally think Chuck Norris and Ozzy Osbourne would make it as well ). \n\nOf the people who traveled out of Australia in 2012 ,<br> apparently about 7% visited Thailand. A lot of digital nomad\u2019s and online entrepreneurs like it because of the low cost of living,<br> beautiful beaches and food. The rapid spread of high speed internet and WiFi has made the world a much smaller place and people who want to live a nomadic lifestyle have never found it so easy to survive without doing the standard nine to five job.\n\nAt the moment I am staying at a beautiful little town called Naiharn beach in southern Phuket Thailand . Because its low season (may to October) it is even cheaper than normal. I am currently paying about $750 AUD (about $560 USD) for one month at my hotel. The room has a queen bed,<br> en suite,<br> free WiFi (fast enough to stream Netflix),<br> kitchenette,<br>fridge,<br> a pool and the room is cleaned daily. \nHere are some photos .\n\n![DSC_4358.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmeULsdREYKpvDjVVc1yKauikok8Hd5HWSWFkMnQgy49uM\/DSC_4358.jpg)\n\n![DSC_4355.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmdLsPZ2qTxYDnZo1qhxu9YLMYYokBq2GkhhnzaTgwKepY\/DSC_4355.jpg)\n\nEvery day I walk down to the beach and Naiharn lake which is popular with the locals for walking or running around.\n\n![P5300030.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmPK2CLL9dzbYpPTAagKUsno6zMKkH7mgvGBxFW2YhYNfx\/P5300030.jpg)\n\n![P5300034.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmXH1HxQ58hK6tqVMxXC6eXcxZ8Biq7nR6isgCkJvMQYda\/P5300034.jpg)\n\n![P5300020.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmWP1bCncqR5QTZjVSb2xpoay6zck3DgivEFkW668drehK\/P5300020.jpg)\n\nLate afternoon when it cools off is my favourite time of the day .\n\n![P5270003.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmfRZc11A7x6LnpcruQqNzn1bxwQtj32d4LweFZi9R9wsx\/P5270003.jpg)\n\n![P5300045.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmckixV7rYSgkabbDUNrgKYJZL5T2tdiSrR1PPaVa7fU1S\/P5300045.jpg)\n\n![P5300050.jpg (https:\/\/\/DQmYbgvKR9yFdRB1SfjNLxUAShFmHWvDQzQJjYQwyiBia4E\/P5300050.jpg)\n\nIf you ever travel to Phuket don\u2019t just go to Patong,<br> there are so many beautiful places filled with friendly Thai people that you should explore.\n\nThanks for reading my post :) .",<br>"json_metadata":" \"tags\":[\"travel\",<br>\"photography\",<br>\"teamaustralia\",<br>\"australia\",<br>\"thailand\" ,<br>\"image\":[\"https:\/\/\/DQmeULsdREYKpvDjVVc1yKauikok8Hd5HWSWFkMnQgy49uM\/DSC_4358.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmdLsPZ2qTxYDnZo1qhxu9YLMYYokBq2GkhhnzaTgwKepY\/DSC_4355.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmPK2CLL9dzbYpPTAagKUsno6zMKkH7mgvGBxFW2YhYNfx\/P5300030.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmXH1HxQ58hK6tqVMxXC6eXcxZ8Biq7nR6isgCkJvMQYda\/P5300034.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmWP1bCncqR5QTZjVSb2xpoay6zck3DgivEFkW668drehK\/P5300020.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmfRZc11A7x6LnpcruQqNzn1bxwQtj32d4LweFZi9R9wsx\/P5270003.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmckixV7rYSgkabbDUNrgKYJZL5T2tdiSrR1PPaVa7fU1S\/P5300045.jpg\",<br>\"https:\/\/\/DQmYbgvKR9yFdRB1SfjNLxUAShFmHWvDQzQJjYQwyiBia4E\/P5300050.jpg\" ,<br>\"app\":\"steemit\/0.1\",<br>\"format\":\"markdown\" "
"max_accepted_payout":"1000000.000 SBD",
* The API used to generate this page is provided by @steemchiller.